A full weather report is ready for you whenever you need it: real-time temperature, max & min temperature, precipitation rate, sunrise and sunset, moonrise and moonset, air quality, wind speed, humidity, real feel temperature, visibility, UV index, radar map... You can get all this information just by sliding the page.
Weather trend helps you check weather more clearly: 72-hour real feel temperature, wind speed, visibility, 10-day precipitation(rate and total), 10-day or 72-hour UV index.
wind direction, real feel temperature, dew point, humidity, wind speed, wind gusts, cloud cover, ceiling, visibility, chance of rain, rainfall, chance of snow, snowfall totals, freezing probability, ice, UV index, Ultraviolet level.
Weather radar is useful for tropical storms or other potential severe weather: wind, rain, temperature, clouds, waves and pressure.
Live Weather Forecast - Accurate weather & Radar is an indispensable tool for your daily life with a design of simulated celestial weather globe.
Haven't got your favorite weather forecast app? Download this Live Weather Forecast for free now and receive weather reports every day, control your life in your hand.
It is also helpful when you need to know the accurate weather, including real-time forecast, hourly forecast, daily forecast, air quality.
Weather Forecast is very easy to use, just allow your phone to search for GPS location, then you'll receive your weather report.
Local weather & International weather: Add cities at any time to know weather conditions, regional time.
You will see burning sun, bouncing cloud or rotating moon according to the weather outdoor in real-time.
Wherever you are, you can keep track of the weather in various regions of the world.
Also included health & life index, wet bulb temperature.
Also included day & night temperature and precipitation, sunrise & sunset.
International clock: you can see real time of worldwide cities in Manage City.