Deep Clean Inc. 3D Fun Cleanup Reviews

Deep Clean Inc. 3D Fun Cleanup Reviews

Published by on 2024-05-06

About: Sit back, relax and play Deep Clean Inc. The cleanup game designed for people
who get satisfaction from cleaning.

About Deep Clean Inc 3D Fun Cleanup

What is Deep Clean Inc 3D Fun Cleanup?

Deep Clean Inc. is a cleaning game designed for people who enjoy cleaning and find satisfaction in it. The game offers a variety of levels where players are required to clean different objects, from fridges to cars. The game provides a calming ASMR cleaning experience that helps relieve stress. Players can unlock special cleaning items and earn mystery boxes with even more special cleaning items. The game also offers a daily bonus wheel where players can win additional coins.



- Calming ASMR cleaning gameplay

- Various levels offering a wide variety of clean up games, tidy up games, and OCD games

- Cleaning different objects, from fridges to cars

- Unlocking special cleaning items

- Earning mystery boxes with even more special cleaning items

- Daily bonus wheel to win additional coins.

Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience


Negative experience

~ from NLP analysis of 142,794 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of Deep Clean Inc 3D Fun Cleanup

- The game is helpful for people with OCD or who enjoy cleaning.

- The game has potential to be fun and enjoyable.

- The game has a daily spin or reward system that could be added to make it more engaging.

20 Deep Clean Inc 3D Fun Cleanup Reviews

4.5 out of 5


Be creative

Hi so I was wondering actully I was thinking why the levels repeat like I play other games with like300 levels and they are all different. So I think you could be more creative and make this appropriate for little children, so all I am really asking is why are you guys so boring like when I started playing I was like oh a yeah this will be fun and it was until it got boring like I loved it and it was fun but they started repeating over and over I was cleaning car seats then cleaning more car seats , and then wiping windows then wiping more windows , then cleaning up broken glass then cleaning up more broken glass so you get the point that it is. And your ad is not okay it has a naked female in the window while some one is wiping it . Plz fix this I think you really need to be more appropriate for little kids and I get that it says twelve and up but still even 12 and up really don’t need to see that and please fix this problem I bet a lot of kids want to have DeepCleanInc3DFunCleanup please fix this so I can rate it a better rate , oh and also I think you should reward or a coin daily spin something or you can make your own avatar so more kids in joy this game , and on that note every time you play a level you you get this add that you pay coins to get this colored material and they are no different then the free ones like you are literally wasting money on colored materials I mean please fix this thank you .


Good. If you have the attention span of a goldfish

I played over 100 levels of this game and there is some good and some bad. Let’s start with the coins. You use coins to obtain different colored items that don’t work any better than the free ones. It’s like shiny Pokémon but without the appeal. Just take the coin mechanic out if it’s not going to be useful in any way, shape, or form. Secondly, let’s talk about sensitivity. It’s too high in some levels and too low in others giving it(at least to me) an unsatisfying feel. There’s about 20 different levels in the game making it super repetitive. Lastly, the game itself. The spin mechanic was only made to shove in an optional ad. Some mechanics are different from others leading to me “failing” in my own head once or twice before I got the gist. Plus there is almost no way to fail any of these levels. Give some risk and reward to it. If you’re looking for a good game to spend time playing I suggest you keep looking. One thing I’ll give them credit for is bug finding. That’s it. It’s sad when you can only say that the best thing they did is the bare minimum of their job. I will probably only get a sample to this as well since this looks like a game that was shoved out in two weeks. (Hey look you and Sega have something in common!)


I think it needs a update.

So I got this game thinking well from watching Laurenzside play it looks really satisfying! And it was I loved it! But then I made it to level 10 it told me to clean the mall. There was no mess. I don’t know if it’s just my iPad being weird. So I thought I could just delete it then get it once more. I made it to level ten again and there was still no mess. So I thought it was like dust so I moved the mechanic everywhere but nothing happened. So I looked it up and it showed that there should be a greenish brown mess on the floor. Other wise this game is great I don’t know if it’s just my iPad or the game I tried to read other reviews to see if anyone else had the same problem. But I was lazy and read like 2 sentences. I think it just needs a update because my iPad has never done this with and other game. But this game is really fun and satisfying ( if you can get pass level 10 ) I love this game a lot I really do think it just needs an update. Also a new add because I was playing a other game and a add for this showed up and it showed a steamy shower room and a naked woman. So it just needs an update and a new add. Other wise this game is great and I love it.


Okay look

So I’m not gonna say this is a bad game, because it’s not. However I would like you take my criticism and also everyone else’s into consideration. Now we shall begin, the first one: I’m not sure if it’s a glitch or something but whenever I’m trying to complete a level like deep cleaning the teddy bears, I make it to the head(and I’m not 100% done) and it just disappears and says the “level complete”. Just a little annoying and could use some fixing, next, second one: I honestly have a problem with the fact that you could be more creative, just a little, no disrespect of course the game is pretty well made, but generally after level 39 the levels repeat but they just look different, for example, the first level is a bear that you deep clean but the 40th level is a unicorn that you deep clean. See what a mean? I know you can come up with more satisfying cleaning levels just look up ideas or ask family and friends. I know this game has potential but it just needs a lil more elbow grease ya know? Okay hopefully the game goes good
-God bless you xoxo


Ads and outher annoying things

This is a overall good game but I do think that there could be less ads and the game creator could have added more things to the game.

Ads: it will give you at least 10 ads in the span of 5 minutes. It gets overall super annoying. You could be in the middle of a leave and It will give you a Add. There are way to many ads and it’s overall very annoying. The game is fun at the start then you realize how many ads the game has in the span of 5 minutes.

Things to make the game more fun: The game should give you a choice on what to choose. In the Ad it said you can choose and showed the options. Maybe I’m just not at that level yet. But I do think that there should be more added to the game. It also stops you before you can even finish the level. They should also have you clean rooms not just items. It’s very Random what you clean. Like a bear? Or even A sink??. There should have had more effort in the game.

Overall it’s a good game but can get annoying I wish I could give it 5 starts but it doesn’t reach my standerds or expectations. Every Ad makes it look like a very good game but ads more to the ads than the game. I think a 3 star is good for this game but It could have been better.

I hope this review helps understand the complains about the game and what could be better.

Thank you for spending your time reading my Review and is very appreciated.

Have a wonderful day

Thank you,


Needs an update

I had this game for 1 day now. I’m on level 100 and I got to say for a couple minutes it was pretty satisfying. That is ONE reason I like the game. Here is why it needs improvement. The first reason is it lied on the add. It said you could pick the tool you wanted, but no. It just picks a tool for you. The second reason is when I clean something, it says that I’m done and there is always one dirty spot left. That really annoys me. The third reason is they can be more creative. After 39 levels it repeats over and over again! They could really put the effort into really having it creative. And the finally reason, when I saw the add again, it was inappropriate! What if a little kid was playing on their electronic and they see that and start to play it? That is very disgusting and that should not be shown. This is not a bad game, but I wouldn’t recommend it. I hope someone sees this review and puts this into consideration thank you for reading. - the person who wrote this lol


Oh. My. Lord. 😑

So like y’all, this game be fun for like the first 40 levels. They don’t let you finish cleaning up at all, and then they just keep on repeating the levels. I know that sounds like I’m a snob or something, but it says theirs like mini games and stuff, BUT THEIR ISNT! So they got empty promises. And another thing, their comerciales are totally not ok. I was playing this game I like called Color By Number, and it was an add for this. It was a naked girl behind a dirty glass window that you had to clean, so I just had to write a review. I had to game to do that, but so what?
That comercial was totally sexist and demising to woman to basically say, “Your body’s get to be shown off even without your permission” I’m a girl, and I know that that is DEFINITELY not ok. So yeah, I throw this game lots of shade. And I’m deleting the game after writing this so, oh well. Another thing, MAKE IT BETTER AND APPROPRIATE!! Jesus Christ this game has lots of problems. 🤨😒😑🙄😡😤👿😾👋🏽


good game, but could be some triggering flaws

To be honest, it’s a pretty satisfying game, and I like it! Me and my best friend played it together. But something we both noticed is that in SOME levels or stages, when you’re almost done cleaning, it will just stop you when you’re on the edge of finishing it, leaving some dirty spots left. I’ll type it more specifically if someone still doesn’t understand; I was almost done cleaning this rug with Cheetos on it, I was using this water sprayer or whatever, and I was about to clean this one spot on the rug when the game just stopped me, and it said “completed” even though it didn’t let me finish the whole thing and just left that one dirty spot there. Also I think about every time you complete a level, there will be an ad. I’m not complaining about the ads, I’m just saying the truth.



It’s ok but it doesn’t let you finish the level it’s very laggy A lot of people recommend this game but to be honest it’s kind of trash I’m sorry to the people who made this game but it’s the truth. So my friend and I thought it would be fun to get this game and see what it was like once we opened it we found a teddy bear and it was brown when we cleaned it it turned white and the face was still left and it said it was completed so that’s the thing it’s kind of weird because why would it do that it doesn’t let me clean the rest of it and once you get past level 40 or level 46 it starts to get boring and it repeats the levels over and over and whenever you’re cleaning something it doesn’t have any sound so I tried to turn my volume all the way up and clean it and it didn’t work so I don’t get the point. I don’t recommend this game but if you want to get it go ahead


Be creative

I was playing the game and at level 40 it started repeating levels. I play another game and i'm on level 359 and they only repeated levels about 2 times. On this game it repeats levels more then 2! Also starting at level 10 after every level there is a ad. (a long one) I swipe out DeepCleanInc3DFunCleanup and go back in because i don’t want to watch those long ads. I don’t want to swipe out a game every level. If you add more levels and take out more ads this game would be better. This game does not deserve a 5 star. Its a fun/satisfying game that can be very successful if the amount of ads go down and add more levels. Be creative! You can do things like dragging the things off the desk to be clean. The levels are fun if theres no repeating. So i think it deserves at 2-3 stars. It can definitely be a 4-5 star game one day if you be more creative!


It’s ok but it needs some fixing

So this game is pretty satisfying, but the levels repeat so much and it’s not fun anymore. Also, I’ve been seeing lots of people complaining about one of the ads. It shows that there is a naked woman and you need to clean the window. They never showed any actually inappropriate graphic imagery, but it said “I need to see what’s going on in there” and it’s disgusting and disrespectful especially because THOSE ADS ARE ON AND FOR KIDS GAMES!!!! Little kids playing games SEE THOSE INAPPROPRIATE ADS! Also, they need to lower the amount of ads. Usually I don’t suffer from them because I play this game in the car when I want to do something without cellular data, but it’s annoying. And like all these games, they show the game that you get to choose more than you really get to which isn’t fair because
It’s tricking people into getting the game


Way too many ads..

I think that there is way too many ads, every time I finish a level an add pops up which I find quite annoying, another thing I would like to point out is that they should update this game, I saw this in someone else’s review too and they said that when they “completed” a level there was still stuff on the ground and that same thing is happening to me, not only that but I think the ad should be more appropriate instead of a naked lady on one side of glass and another of a guy I assume cleaning the glass, my only question to that is why? I mean yeah I get you want people to get your game but just don’t do it in THAT way, there’s other ways to make people get your game, god, and not only that but the levels repeat, over, and over, and over, again!


It’s fine... but

I haven’t seen anyone else who said they had this problem, but on the level(s) where you had to clean the shirt, the stains don’t wash off for me. I do think there are just a few too many ads. Other then that all I can think of that bothers me is that you don’t get to fully clean some things and it freezes A LOT. But it is a fun game to play when your bored (before you get bored of playing the game itself) And just one more thing, to the people that are saying they are here because of the girl in the ad that is VERY rude and offensive (I don’t know how you would get the game without seeing the ad unless some one recommended it to you). Get a life honestly 😤. And this isn’t a kids game to people who are saying that, in fact it says it’s 12+, even though it shouldn’t be. Thanks for taking up half your day reading this ;-;


It’s too laggy I deleted it on level 1

Now this game seemed super fun and I was excited to download it because I saw a YouTuber play this. So I opened up DeepCleanInc3DFunCleanup and kept on moving my finger to clean the bear. It was so laggy and got to the point where I just deleted it. If this game wasn’t laggy I would’ve probably continued playing it. I’m so disappointed in DeepCleanInc3DFunCleanup right now I just wish it wasn’t laggy. My device will lag with some games. But it don’t lag like that. I think it’s generally the game lagging then my device because my device never lagged like that. Until you fix that lag problem I’m not gonna download the game :/ sorry if I sound a little rude or something like that. It’s just that I’m really upset that I can’t play it because of how laggy it is. I hope the maker of this game sees my review and says that they fixed this problem.


kinda weird

so I downloaded this game off another game as usual..and I’ve been playing it and I enjoy it. although there is a few things that upset me. the ads lie. I mean that’s very common it’s just clickbait but in the ads it says you can choose the item you want to clean with which is false. another thing is that this game gets boring after awhile. I play it for about 10 mins then I’m done. it’s not very intertaining. another thing is a inappropriate ad. it’s a ad where your cleaning the shower glass then you see a naked lady in the shower. And considering that this is a kids game Is not ok. I’m not gonna make a big fuss about it but the game’s not worth downloading. and I honestly think they could put more effort into the game. like more creativity. but I hardly get ads while using this game..but overall the game is not the best



I’m giving this 3 stars because the game is good overall but, there are still some issues. 1: It’s Repetitive the game has forty different levels and after forty they repeat. 2: At level 30 you have to clean a litter box. There are literal pieces of poo!🤢Disgusting! If you are in for poo go ahead and get this. Just warning you. 3: The Ad’s! They are nonstop! I feel like every time I finish a level, an ad pop’s up. But, there are some pro’s to this game… it’s pretty satisfying if you ask me! And, there is a wheel that you can spin to get free coins! I’ve also read other people’s reviews and they said it was repetitive. So, I downloaded DeepCleanInc3DFunCleanup to see if they were right.. and they were! Thank you for spending your time reading my review! 😁


My opinion is trash.

So first there are ads that are really inappropriate and so disgusting, and it might make parents think that their kids shouldn’t play it because they saw the ads. The ads lie also, you don’t wash windows and look at peoples private parts that’s just disgusting and inappropriate! The ads are also fake you don’t get to wash windows and see people in the shower- Also level 10, mall is broken you can’t clean anything the floors, windows, or gardens don’t work you can’t go up the escelator and there is nothing to the left or right and the floor is already sparkling clean- please fix this glitch! I’ve tried level 10 about thirty times and re installed it twice and it still didn’t work! 😡 This game is not satisfying it’s agitating and stressful. Until this is fixed I give this game a 1 star review, I’m very sorry but that’s my opinion, trash.


Great Game

I think this is a good game. My sister has OCD and she likes to clean a lot. So when we found DeepCleanInc3DFunCleanup, we knew we had to get it. It really helps her and me, so I 100% recommend. The only bad thing about this game is the ads and the levels. The ads are ridiculous. There is an ad every time you do a level. (Tip: when there is ads every level, just do the one where you get like 3x what you are supposed to get or else you are getting ads for no reason. Trust me, it helps.) Second the levels. The levels repeat after level 39. It is kinda annoying. If you can fix these problems then I will give a 5 star.

Thank you for your time,

Savana Lavsa


It’s cool but…

So I have been playing this game for 2 days and I think it’s cool but I keep getting the same levels you guys should make new levels like it s kinda boring doing the same things over and over again and I also think that the add is inappropriate for kids like I’m 9 and I deleted the game and 12 year olds should not see naked girls especially the boys they should not be seeing it like they might get exposed to sex at a super young age and I don’t want that so I keep the level just take it out of the add.


Way too many ads

What’s the point in playing a game this bad if half the time is devoted to ads. I really didn’t enjoy myself playing this game for a few reasons. The levels are way too easy and go by way too fast, which just leads to more ads. There’s literally a 10 second ad for every 15-20 seconds you play the game. Games used to actually be good, but now they’re just cheap, lame attempts at making money off kids. If your attention span is that of a goldfish, then you’ll enjoy this game. Anybody with more intelligence than a 1st grader should look for another game, because this one is frankly a waste of time that doesn’t meet any expectations. I wrote this long review because I’m just tired of these terrible games that are made in 2 hours and steal thousands of dollars from ignorant kids that don’t even know all their vowels yet.


The ad isn’t okay at all! 😡😡😩😩😥😥

I saw this game with the ad at first. The first part of it is actually interesting. So I download the game! Then I watch the rest of the ad... My first reaction was, “What the heck!? Isn’t this like.. A kids game? Not cool!” And I didn’t even play the game. Like, that’s wrong! Geez.. The ad kept popping up and I decided to search this “game”. It’s for kids 12 years and up. Are you serious! Now, to the people reading this, the bad part of the ad was when there was a female women in the bathroom. The windows need cleaning. You clean the windows until you see the you know. (By the way, the female is naked.) This game is going to get kids to play because kids like seeing gross stuff. This isn’t okay! Please someone! Take down that ad! I’m very upset about it and I don’t want my little sister to see that. The internet isn’t safe!

Is Deep Clean Inc 3D Fun Cleanup Safe?

Yes. Deep Clean Inc. 3D Fun Cleanup is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 142,794 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.5/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Deep Clean Inc 3D Fun Cleanup Is 70.1/100.

Is Deep Clean Inc 3D Fun Cleanup Legit?

Yes. Deep Clean Inc. 3D Fun Cleanup is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 142,794 Deep Clean Inc. 3D Fun Cleanup User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Deep Clean Inc 3D Fun Cleanup Is 100/100..

Is Deep Clean Inc. 3D Fun Cleanup not working?

Deep Clean Inc. 3D Fun Cleanup works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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Billed Once $36.00

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