House building for Minecraft Reviews
Published by PAMG on 2024-09-15🏷️ About: House Building for Minecraft is perfect for building minecraft house on your map. It has tons of buildings for minecraft 1.
🏷️ About: House Building for Minecraft is perfect for building minecraft house on your map. It has tons of buildings for minecraft 1.
by Qui Moi
I installed Housebuilding to import structures into a biome for a mod I am creating in the mod maker app by the same developer. When I got Housebuilding , I couldn’t find any way to create my own structures. That could be worked around by using others structures with a similar purpose, but then when I tried importing the structures to the mod making app, no matter how many times I tried it did nothing.
by Jadon Renfro
If so I will give five stars thanks I've done what the tutorial said to and it still won't work thanks though still won't work I got it to work and then it stopped again 👎👎👎👎. Good concept when it works but it doesn’t 75% of the time
by Cyphinez
Why does it just spawn the structures on its own every time the world generates a new chunk. I was expecting it to only be adding them via the structure block, instead, it just makes a jumbled mess that ruins and damages your world beyond repair. Luckily, I tested it in a realm, so I reverted the save. The custom blocks don’t even work, they don’t spawn the structures. This was a bad experience.
by Mercedes2846
It’s ok I mean I like the buildings but they could be a little better and it is stupid the it has to use “A good internet connection”. 🙄 Some people live in the middle of nowhere and don’t get good service and can’t have WiFi. So sorry that’s my only problems. Can you also make it to where it has a videoTutorial link that would be helpful to Minecraft lovers that don’t really know how to do that. Thx you BTw I love your other app AddOns Maker For Minecraft I stay up all the time making my own stuff
by 12222233566
There is so many ads you can barely do anything. Also not enough pictures for most of the buildings.
by Ethanddd011
The game is great and very good because you can make a lot of creations but the ads. WHY ARE THERE SO MUCH ADS. every time you hit a button a ad shows up and the button doesn’t work AT ALL
by OGBM559
I’ve been looking for a old home that was on here but it’s not here any more it was wooden and it had a balconly is there a way to get old version of Housebuilding or houses?
by Dafeffagdfef
When I import it it glitches
by Neonjoestar12
I really like Housebuilding and the creativity into it but if it mind but can we have a option like export pixel images from our phone to have more to put into the worlds?
Ok I pressed load and nothing happened like at all the block changed but then nothing happened it’s was just showing the box of colors app is so confusing
by Moo123cool
Allow you to make buildings on iOS.
by The Reviewer Is Here
When I type building1 or whatever the load button is grayed our bc that’s not a saved structure?
by Toxic Halo
I love Housebuilding a soon as I got it it was like heck ya and the selection was great but I think it would be cool if there was user created builds that would be dope and ya Housebuilding is great and I recommend it to anyone who’s reading this.
by PFVTankguy
It’s an awesome app and the only bad thing is that it needs good internet.
by Tad Sandy 7
How do I make my own structure
by Isaac Masters
The very first time I tried this it worked fine, but know, every time I try and export it to Minecraft it only sends the behavior pack, not the Global Resource. Btw I play on IPad mini.
by GunmetalAbyss85
I recommend you to try cuz you can make and download structures to make a mod and even better it works!
by Robin8217
Good app, confusing a bit at first. But I’m glad they have apps like this for builders and such. Thank you!
by Campbelli11
Sounds really good for a few minutes to get built from games and put it into your Minecraft world
by PapaCassYT
Love Housebuilding , it’s helping g me create cities and neighborhoods, as well as decorative and entertainment areas in my world much easier, recommend it totally to anyone who wants to make a city or something really quick on Minecraft!!!
by EnderPhoenix Gaming
Housebuilding is insane! You can get a structure for literally any purpose and you can do it for free and in seconds! Definitely a five star for me!
by Music Freak10198
Great app! but for some reason when Paid for no adds everytime I exit and go on again adds pop up. Other then not bad at all
Yes. House building for Minecraft is quiet safe to use but use with caution. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 394 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 3.9/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for House building Is 23.8/100.
Yes. House building for Minecraft is legit, but not 100% legit to us. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 394 House building for Minecraft User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for House building Is 42.5/100..
House building for Minecraft works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.
**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by users..
Pricing Plans | Amount (USD) |
Remove Ads | $1.99 |
Monthly Premium | $2.99 |
Ensure the internet connection is perfect so that House Building for Minecraft PE data displays smoothly and is always updated with the latest buildings.
House Building for Minecraft has huge types of structures minecraft 1.20 doesn't need to pay, all structures auto-build automatically in Minecraft world.
Moreover, you can try importing your minecraft building ideas into other games that allow third-party tools to edit behavior & resource packs: Crafting and Building, Eeskcraft, Craftsman, etc.
- Intuitive Minecraft Building Tools: Structures, chest, and spawner are visually previewed in 3D.
House Building for Minecraft has all the perfect houses for MCPE.