This application works similar to the the popular toy white noise generator called "Whisbear", with the difference that you can choose from a wide variety of sounds and noises that will help calm your child.
If your child wakes up in the middle of the night crying or has trouble with sleeping, download and try the White Noise generator applications.
White Noise is an application designed to calm crying young children.
If you have trouble falling asleep, you can turn on the selected noise, set the timer and the played white noise will put your mind in a state of deep relaxation.
All you have to do is download our White Noise machine which generates the noise you selected for a specified time and gently fade out at the end.
The white noise generator is not only intended for children but also helps you sleep better.
In the application preferences, you can customize many settings to your needs, such as: default noise duration, fade out time, adding additional minutes with one click and many more.
White noise is often used to treat insomnia, as well as for concentration, learning or studing problems.
Therefore, the hairdryer sounds and vacuum cleaner sounds helps the child calm down and feel safe.
Your baby spent 9 months in the womb hearing similar noise.
Many of us have already discovered this magical way of calming children by turning on a vacuum cleaner or hairdryer.
However, you don't have to carry a hairdryer or vacuum cleaner everywhere.
You and your child will sleep without any problems.
Even when you are tired, your brain may have problems calming down and relaxing.