We troll for Hybrids and Stripers most of the year. That may mean using Umbrella Rigs, Alabama Arigs, jigs with swim baits, snap weights, etc. TrollMasterDepthCalculator lets you take into consideration the size of line, leader length, trolling speed, weight of lure, additional weight added, and even the height of the rod tip above the water. A typical setup we are using right now is trolling Alabama rigs with three, half ounce jigs, line and leader material are 50 pound Power Pro Depth Hunter line (no line counter reel required), three ounce Snap Weight. Here is the setup, trolling speed 2.5 mph, rod tip is five feet above the water. You let out the Arig with 25 feet of line (one color), attach 3 oz. Snap Weight. TrollMasterDepthCalculator calculated 76.0 feet. You let out another three colors and put the rod in a holder. Your Arig will be running at 19 feet. The depth was verified with the Fish Hawk TD device. This summer, we were trolling at night with long baits like the Husky Jerk 10. We could see the fish on the Raymarine Axiom at 30 to 40 feet. Initially, we were using downriggers to get the baits down. Then we decided to use a Snap Weight approach with TrollMasterDepthCalculator. The setup was always consistent, 25ft out - Snap Weight - 75ft out. We controlled the depth by the size of the snap weight, 2, 3, 4 oz, etc. Here was one of the calculations ... Husky Jerk 10, 4 oz. weight, 25/75, 1.8 mph, lure depth was 33 feet. We totally stopped using the downriggers for depths shallower than 40 feet. We could have never figured that out without TrollMasterDepthCalculator!