Jurassic Monster World 3D FPS Reviews

Jurassic Monster World 3D FPS Reviews

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About: Hey everyone! The game is still under active development. We carefully read all
your comments and feedback to make sure every new update counts.

About Jurassic Monster World 3D FPS

Dino butchers preying on lesser animals, spinosauri can hold their own in melee battle and against enemies with superior strength.

Their jumps give them unmatched mobility, and their mighty roar can stun a whole group of enemies, leaving them open to deadly attacks.

Jurassic Monster World 3D FPS is a mobile game like you've never seen before.

Their razor sharp horns are tough to dodge in melee battle, and these beasts can even restore their own health if they need to.

Every dino is unique and has its own abilities, including dashes, jumps, splatter stuns, regeneration and more.

Human intellect mixed with advanced tech form a deadly combination.

He can jump from place to place with super speed and stun several enemies at once.

All-natural – Life is evolving in round 2 upon the ruins of the destroyed old world.

Specially equipped with an energy shield against weapons from the old world.

Sky battle fans rejoice! We've got flying dinos and more.

Deadly in melee battles.

Now monsters from the Jurassic Era are out to kill, not to live.

Mechanized – AI machines devoid of any biological tissue and mercy.

We carefully read all your comments and feedback to make sure every new update counts.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience


Negative experience

~ from Justuseapp.com NLP analysis of 86,170 combined software reviews.

840 Jurassic Monster World 3D FPS Reviews

4.8 out of 5


Good game needs more

For the most part a good game and it’s growing is the best part. But I’m going to be more negative and list the problems I have with the game in case you are wondering if this game is worth it.

The problems with the game are an essay fix because there aren’t to many bugs. All that really needs to happen is one of three things to be my favorite game and those things are 1: make matches based on level and the amount of d-crystals (the games perineum currency) obtained. 2:have the stuff that cost d-crystals cost less (specifically Dinos and riders) or make d-crystals easer to obtain 3: make a bunch of achievements to unlock special guns, Dinos, riders and d-crystals

The way things are is matches are based only on level witch would not be a bad thing except people at my current level (around 26) have a bunch of perineum dinos and guns on top of leveling them up a bunch and I level up to much to where I can barely fight and upgrade my own Dinos and guns. d-crystals are too hard to get or the perineum stuff is two expensive (Rex which is one of the three most expensive Dinos you can get and cost around 1500 d-crystals the amount of d-crystals you can get per day without winning is around 120 and you have to watch 30 second adds to do so). And finally there are no achievements for my efforts so I get nothing bonus for doing bonus. Besides that I would rate a 6 star if that where an option lol.(but seriously the creatures and animation are really cool)


Good, but. . .

Devs, please take time to read this review all the way through. This is a great game. The gameplay is good, and is NOT a complete pay to win game. However, there are some things that need to be changed for this game to reach its full potential. My friend and I like playing this together, and we were (must I say) DEVASTATED to see the texture redos on the dinosaurs. Especially the symbiotes and mechanicals. They just don’t look as good as before. Honestly, as a whole, this latest update has been a setback for the game. Pleeeeeaaaaassssseeee change the textures back!!! Another thing is that, when I first stared playing, each of the creatures had different names, e.g. “Bruiser” (Giganotosaurus) “Stealthclaw” (the supposed “allosaurus symbiote” which, btw, doesn’t look anything like an allosaurus) “Deepstalker” (Sarcosuchus symbiote), and more. These names gave the game a sense of originality, and taking them away took that aspect away with it. There’s another thing is that sometimes, after a battle (whether we win or lose), it keeps on the “Victory!”, or “Defeat!” screen, and doesn’t send me back to the hangar. I don’t think this is a problem with me, so I was just wondering if there’s anything you can do about that. I can’t think of anything else now, but if I do, I’ll be getting in contact with the devs for sure. Please fix these things, and this game will be that much closer to being a 5 star game.


Suggestions and review

Hi developers from this incredible and amazing game, I know that the games is still developing but come on the game dignos is fire...graphics,controls,dinosaurs are more than okay well for me, more when you chose lock target it’s impossible to miss a shot...but so far the game is my favorite, I started to play three weeks ago and I just bought the new school dinosaurs just two of them, but I don’t know if people could report my account because I’m a good player hopefully they don’t do it...and my suggestion is if you guys can create the clans to add people and play in squad that could be more than better, but you don’t have to change the smooth or nerf the weapons or the dinosaurs, cuz you will lose players and I know what I’m saying because there’s another game that is almost the same as yours and the only thing that I can say about that game is they started to lose a lot players and you gotta be rich in that game for win the matches and since I found this game is like if I found my new love for the games keep doing an excellent work developers because like I said it’s just amazing and incredible #fmmlover ❤️

If you see me in the game I’m XFireStormX 👋


Developers don’t care.

I’m gonna say this one more time. WE DO NOT WANT MORE MODULES. WE DO NOT WANT MORE 14k MECHS. WE DO NOT WANT MORE SPORE WEAPONS. We want a PLAYABLE GAME. Meanwhile this game has glitches galore. Hackers left and right (and not to mention being more frequent now), and the worst matchmaking system I think I’ve ever seen in a game. And oh yea, am I forgetting something??? Oh yeah, THE NERF. NO ONE LIKES IT. The majority of your fan base is nerfed than buffed and we HATE IT. A level 12 Rex with beholders level 10 and drone should NOT be dying at the hands of an IGUANODON. You don’t understand it you stupid devs but you are ruining this game. The premise of the game is SKILL and to get BETTER dinos. Right now, skill is USELESS because of the nerf and you want to AVOID getting good dinos because of your power level spiking and causing nerf. I cannot portray to you in the given max word count for this review how much you guys screwed up an amazing game and how disgruntled not just myself, but the majority of your fan base is. And now you guys are jacking up deal prices too??? You’re selling out even more??? The greed is unbearable. Truly disappointing. You had such a good game in your hands and completely BLEW IT. Thank you so much for wasting everyone’s time, effort, and the thousands they have poured into this game. Meanwhile this happens, you are all busy enjoying the money you rake in from your insanely high prices and pretend like this doesn’t exist.


A review, before you get, and suggestions.

Honestly this game is perfect and exactly what I wanted, a not very laggy dinosaur multiplayer game that works on mobile. The dinosaurs look amazing and I like the looks of mainly giga and allo. As for quality of dinos, the dinosaurs are amazing quality, on the other hand we have the armor which isn’t the best in quality but excusable.

Things to change are the robotic dinos and guns. The guns you get are strong, but it takes forever to get new ones after lvl 20. Bionic dinosaurs have the same problems except if your like me and want alien dinos because like 7000 yellow things(forgot what they where called) is obnoxious for how easy they are to kill with like sarco or the dragon alien(at that point it is literally that) or the allo doing a predator cosplay.

Lastly, the number of leveling dinos need to be upped, like adding a new dinosaur you get via level. My suggestion would be like Acros or Therizinos or styracos. If your a developer, you made a game that is perfect in many ways and I hope more more is added. If you are a person wanting the game and hasn’t for some reason gotten the game after seeing the star review, if you want a dino shooter get this because it’s amazing. That’s all folks


My review (also a suggestion)

This game is awesome! The graphics are cartoony, making it suitable for kids. Also you can change what gun is equipped. But I have a few suggestions. Like being able to Convert e-cells into D-crystals. Like 1,000 e-cells equals 1 d-crystal. Also local chat, and a friend system. Also a free roam game mode, which only hosted servers can have. Speaking of which, hosting servers that can be either public, private, invite only, or friends only, with an option to let friends of friends to enter. Free roam matches support infinite riders, and you can use the same dino as much as you want. Free roam allows you to hangout, and battle with no goal. You cannot earn anything in free roam, but you can chat with friends. Also, add shantungosaurus, a hadrosaur bigger than t-rex as an adult. The name is crusher, as it has a unique “frenzy” which lasts a minute and increases reload speed and make melee a lot more powerful. This creature is free at level 22, and has room for four light slots, and two heavy slots. It even has some armor, and can sprint. It has 90k health. Hope this inspires you guys, and I hope this game gets more and more famous!


Quick and Honest Opinion

Okay, don’t get me wrong—I like this game a lot. I think it deserves the full five stars, considering I used to spend hours late at night in my dorm playing this instead of sleeping. You never need to pay a cent to compete, and that’s part of what makes it so great. I would say the only downside is that it can get a bit monotonous if you play it as much as I did.
I did end up offloading it completely, since I wasn’t playing it and needed the space for other matters—I recently decided to redownload it, and it’s still just as fun. The only catch? All my progress was completely gone, even though I have a GameCenter account linked. I don’t know what happened—I left before another time, and when I came back, it was all there; so, I don’t know what’s different about this time, but I’m not happy with it. Unless I find myself becoming re-addicted, I’ll likely delete it again, because I liked having different abilities and had spent a lot of time leveling things up only for me to be told my account is worthless, and it didn’t save my progress at all.
But other than that, a fantastic game, even for payless players, and I’d highly recommend it.


Not worth anymore

This used to be a great game an for the people who took the time to lvl up was all on a decent equal playing field p2p or f2p but due to the bugs not getting fixed an more bugs comeing into the game due to they rather keep pumping out new content instead of fixing what’s broken they just are makeing it worse also now it’s pointless to spend money due to f2p dinos an guns are better then p2p many broken f2p dinos like the allo or the s-claw with the chew guns for example an not only that but many of the people who spent years building up there dinos an buying better dinos well all the p2p dinos an dinos over a certain lvl were nerf yet they are bringing in new dinos that had the same power of the dinos they just nerfed lol why buy more dinos when they will just nerfed eventually but that’s the main issues with this game atm (also the devs refuse to talk to any of us in the discord when we try to figure out if it’s a bug or what) 100% horrible customer support,cheaters all in the game bugs an all around a waste of time game really sad all these are easy to fix they should have enough $ to hire decent coders due to all the $ they scammed from there players telling them there dinos an guns will do a certain amount of dmg until u buy it an a month later make a 100$ dino is then worth 20$ but still cost 100$ like what


This game is fun but..

The game is great fun but upgrading dinos takes a long time and you can only upgrade one Dino at a time that includes the guns they have, you can not upgrade those at the same time if a Dino is upgrading or other weapons. Sometimes trying to get into a game it freezes up and won’t let you join and there is nothing you can do about it unless you are lucky, you can close JurassicMonsterWorld3DFPS and open it up again and that fixes it but that’s not very often. This has happened to me more than once. Also ads to get items to buy a Dino will take you ages so will battling cause some people pay for the dinos so you lose about 50% of the time if your on the other team. If a team mate on your team has one of those dinos and uses it very well then you have better luck but still not as high of chance if the other team has 2 or more of them. With the ads you have only so many ads and you have to use them wisely cause once you run out of ads it takes 16 hours to watch more ads, so like I said to get a Dino you have to pay to get or save up In-game currency will take you a long time since winning a game is hard since paying people have them already or you can’t even get into a game to earn in-game currency.


Good idea, horrific execution of said idea

Playing the game is very simple and that is refreshing, however the game is very pushy when it comes to trying to get you to spend money on it. After battle the Home screen always resets to purchasable mounts you don’t own and after exiting that there are more lists of stuff you don’t own that it wants you to buy. It’s probably the most pushy (buy our stuff type) game I’ve encountered so far. The developers seem to try and balance teams though there is a vast difference in power scale between purchasable mounts and mounts you can earn. If there are two teams that have all earned mount players and one team has just one purchased mount, the whole match is over. The only reason I am hesitant to say this game is pay to win is that often when this happens the next match it will team me up with a player who has a purchased mount, so I believe that the developers have done something good there. I would suggest that you use some finesse when trying to get people to spend money on your game, as it is it feels like one of those sign spinning advertisements people is closely following me around and it is rather annoying. This game is pretty fun, I hope the developers figure out a better business ethic, beyond that keep up the okay work and stuff.


Fun game!

I do find it very fun! All the dinos are earnable, large variety, and just plain fun. I do like how they put thought into making symbiote and mechanical dinosaurs. However, it does still need work. I think they should remove the rider system, because in the capture the points game mode, you mostly don’t capture the points. You just fight the enemies until they can’t spawn anymore, making it just like the death match mode. I feel like removing the rider system would make the capture the points more fun and highly paced. However I dislike the death match, because the bots will often refuse to spawn after they die once, so you just wait around for several minutes until the timer runs out. I would also love to see more game modes, such as maybe normal death match, capture the flag, etc. for certain modes you could add the rider system. Such as one life mode, or something of the like. While this game needs work, I feel like it is fun, and I enjoy it. Please continue to update :)


Really nice podcast take a chill pill 💊

I like this game but I hade to delete it (because space) but I’m loading it now and I think you could ad daley cups for weapons and dinos and you could ad a way to color your dinosaurs but the dinosaurs that are on there are good but can you have an update ware you can choose your aviator I mean a girl is fine but....... I’m a boy and.........well you get me and maybe you can ad (I’m spelling add wrong again sorry) a ability to a velociraptor ware it can call it’s pack and you have two little baby velociraptors that don’t last long and they only bite but they help you corner an enemy and an ability for the flying reptiles (not dinosaurs reptiles) ware they can do a nose dive and bite any one below them. Anyway that’s my thoughts and suggestions about the game oh one more thing maybe you can add a map that’s a city and you can go inside the buildings and Break week floors with your guns (💪 haaaa haaa I’m sorry! Haaa ha) but these are just suggestions overall it’s a good game with more to come and I like thanks for making this your guys ( and girls) are doing really great job 👏 Ps ignore really good podcasts review


Entirely ruled by airborne units & pay to play

I love the idea of this game but right now it is terrible, I wouldn’t recommend anyone pay anything for this game right now. Battles are entirely ruled by airborne units; if you are on the ground against a flier you better start praying or jump in with a flier, if weapons that lock on to targets aren’t already in the game they should be because a flying enemy is simply an unfair menace. There are far more pay to play Dino’s for in game currency than there are attainable ones. It feels like the creators & developers are just trying to make as many quick bucks as they can rather than provide a fun and even experience for all. Super unimpressed with the game mechanics surrounding ground based vs flying enemies and the entirely over tailoring of pay to pay feelings I am getting. The developers could learn a thing or two from War Robots, I would play this game over it if it didn’t have so many problems to me. When out of Dino’s or pilots, let us view the rest of the battle from the other players still in play. I am only continuing to play this game to see how far a non pay to play member can get; whether or not you tailor a game for pay to play there will always be people who are willing to pay to be better.


Fun to play

I love this game and play it often, I love how everything is accessible without paying and the different dinosaurs and monsters in the game. Only thing I would love to add is more dinosaurs and controller play. For Dino’s you could add more creatures like the Quetzal or smaller dinosaurs with cool abilities such as calling in a “pack” or little minions that level with the players dinosaur with half or quarter health of the main dinosaur. Just new and strange dinosaurs would be cool. I understand you as developers work hard and as fast as you can, so I just want to state that these are just suggestions for your amazing game. As for the controller play, I love playing games like this with my Xbox controller so if you made some update making it where you can do that would be amazing. Also, just something cool would be if you made an alternate mode for airborne creatures only and if you made a map and dinosaurs for the ocean, I know it is crazy to hope for, but I would love to see something like this someday. Thanks for reading if you did


Great game with few flaws, getting worse

I’ve been having a great time playing this game, especially at work during the slow points of my day. There’s a lot of room for finding a specialty and signature way of playing and, to me, that’s pretty awesome. My major complaint at this point is that you can pretty much pay to win by buying the better dinosaurs and buying enough in game currency to beef them up without putting any real effort into the game. This takes away some of the fun from the people who actually work hard to unlock the best stuff through hard work and lots of time playing the game. Seeing as the developer is making money off of this, I don’t see it changing, but I still have fun playing most days.

Edit: I now have more complaints. Now if you lose, you get no extra rewards. Regardless of how well you do. I’m sorry, but if I have 9 kills and the rest of my team is dead so I have to fight a full team alone and I lose, I should still be rewarded for how well I did. The rest of my team did nothing but die and help the enemy team. If I manage to almost win against a full team BY MYSELF, I should still get rewarded for it. For now, I’m honestly infuriated with this game.


Good game!

So when I first saw an ad for this, it looked like a ripoff of Dino Squad, which is a game I really enjoy. I finally checked it out after I kept getting ads for it and it was pretty fun. I ended getting a pretty legit allosaurus that was going on in this event. Good graphics, DEFINITELY better than those crappy ripoff dinosaur games, nice gameplay, even though Dino Squad has easier controls, this is still a good game. And this actually have more Dinos than in Dino Squad. First of all, you get pterosaurs, and sauropods. Spinosaurus, Utahraptor, Allosaurus, Dilophosaurus, and more, are all dinosaurs that aren’t in Dino Squad. And what’s cool is that the dinosaurs have different….uhhh….textures….themes….whatever you wanna call them. Like how some look like robot dinosaurs, and some look like insects, and some just have armor. Really good quality game, not a ripoff, no stolen logos like the Jurassic park logo, no generic names. I don’t remember if you get ads or not, but this is great I highly recommend this!


Review & Things i want in-game

A few times audio stops so plz fix it and make no max limit for weapon slots cuz i'm only alive for 3 minutes and my teammates are alive for 7 or 5 and 4 and make riders cheaper and make free for all and make different teams to make it more fun and when you zoom in make it follow the locked target. Make weak spots on these types of dinos: symbiotes, augumited, And organic. And make fire weapons which are very affective to flying dinos also i am confused how other players have more ammunition on a chupracobra. There is a glitch with the spino where when you dash it lets you press it twice so you dan do it fast but when you do it it freezes you in the same animation. When u upgrade your weapon it increases its range too. Make materials such as nanometal,steel, And yentrik ore ( i made it up) so nanometal is fir mechanical dinos, steel is for augmented dinos, yentrik is for the gold mechanical dinos and i want some structures to fall down which will stun you and damage you but if u have armor it will only damage the armor and plz make every symbiote have a healing ability so… yea thats what i want


I’m about to be level 21

So here are my simple suggestions. Your game is awesome, pretty new, but already has a great sense of balance to its mechanics. every dinosaur has a weakness, please keep this in mind as you move forward. Now, things to think about adding. I need, I repeat, I NEED to see a free for all button. I’m tired of of being 12/1 k/d and my team be the reason I lose. I don’t want to have random battle choices, team battles or free for all would make a huge deal. Also. I want to see my k/d
. I know I do well and I want to show others. I don’t need rank, but I do want my own stats. Next is something you might find interesting. What if we can put our special currency up for bid in a duel? Here are my rules, if player selects one dinosaur, both players can see which Dino the use is picking, the trick is that the weapons are kept hidden. This will encourage ore purchases of your currency, and give you one more game type to place in after you create a world chat function. Please consider this as it would give you something no other game really has right now


I have some amazing ideas for ya’ll!

I some great ideas, I think yep this game is great I love it it one of my top 3 favorite games! But I do have some ideas.... one of my ideas is a new Dino this Dino is a lizard like creature that can go under ground heal and have those Spike things around it. Another idea is the dinos can talk,so they can say like ok team let’s do this we can win”! Another idea is there’s a other pet it’s a lizard it ha s three wepons on all of the dinosaurs you get it on and you can have tow pets the drone and the lizard so cool! I have another dinosaur for ya it’s a spider it has 8 legs like a spider can climb walls shoot webs and it has 8 wepons that might be super cool
And can you guys make it 146 gems I can never get any of the big dinos3: so those are my ideas I hope you liked them! Have a great year! One more thing maybe a put a awesome golden dragon that can shoot fire and has a super cool and hard bit make that 489


Great PVP game, but a few suggestions!

I love this game, and I’ve been looking for games like this for a while so I stumbled soon upon this game. Just as I got to level 2 I noticed that there’s only 3 maps. Which made me a bit sad since I’d like to experience more maps and enclosures in the game, but just one other suggestion I have is to make the leveling up a bit faster this is at least my 3rd day playing and I’m still on level 2. These are the only reasons I put 4-STARS. On the other-Hand JurassicMonsterWorld3DFPS game is Amazing! If your a new player it gives you a great experience, I’m not much new anymore but I still play with the starter Dino, the raptor. It has such a great ability for starters! In my opinion if your new I recommend sticking on the raptor till your level-3, Since when you get to level-2 The Dilo Dosent have much good play-Skill as the raptor, Those are my Suggestions and tips for new players in probably 2 paragraphs. Hope u enjoyed! And devs plz read!!


Perfect execution of pay-to-win, mind blown

At the start of the game, you get very cheap offers like 3 dollars for a Dino that’s normally 100 dollars. However, this does not harm the game at all, because freetoplay Dino’s can compete, if they have better weapons, which are easier to get. However, you get the sense of gratification from saving tons of money. For freetoplays, who absolutely cannot spend anything however, as mentioned before, weapons are weighing reach. But also, another great thing is the incubator. The incubator Dino’s are a perfect balance of hard to get, giving the player satisfaction when getting one, and within reach of freetoplays. Even the highest, most expensive Dino’s are perfectly priced. They are the ultimate grind in the game, yet remain attainable without spending money. The best part about the game, however, is it’s ability to keep you from getting bored. In war robots, for example, unless you pay large amounts of money, once you get a gun or robot, you’re stuck with it for like a month. Doing the same thing over and over again. In this game, however, ther is no one “good” weapon loadout, or dinosaur. So you can constantly switch, combined with the fact that the dinosaurs are attainable within a reasonable time without money, makes the gameplay constantly change. Absolutely underrated game. F war robots lol.


Great Game! (Updated)

I think this game is great and honestly I love it to death. Only a few problems present and some ideas which I think can bring your game next level! First off, I dunno if you guys are still even involved in the development of the game, it’s been 2 years. Maybe a frequent update or two! Secondly would be adding more maps!!!, another quality of life change is adding more then 1 upgrade spot, maybe it could cost some D-Crystal but once unlocked it should stay as such! Most of my games also have an event every month, could be a small list of task and a small reward, but it’ll keep players interested. “Assist” is a feature in another one of my games. If you deal 40%+ damage to an enemy and within the next 45 seconds it gets killed you get “players name-assisted-other player” shown at bottom of screen and then at the end of the game it shows how many assist you got, sometimes those bots like to kill steal!

Is Jurassic Monster World 3D FPS Safe?

Yes. Jurassic Monster World 3D FPS is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 86,170 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.8/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Jurassic Monster World 3D FPS Is 74.9/100.

Is Jurassic Monster World 3D FPS Legit?

Yes. Jurassic Monster World 3D FPS is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 86,170 Jurassic Monster World 3D FPS User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Jurassic Monster World 3D FPS Is 100/100..

Is Jurassic Monster World 3D FPS not working?

Jurassic Monster World 3D FPS works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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