YT Tracker for YouTube Creator Reviews

YT Tracker for YouTube Creator Reviews

Published by on 2024-06-14

About: YT Tracker is the #1 app to grow your YouTube channel. Made by a YouTuber, for

About YT Tracker

What is YT Tracker?

YT Tracker is an app designed to help YouTubers grow their channels by tracking their progress towards monetization eligibility. It offers features such as audience retention analysis, content creation tools, sharing cards, custom challenge tracking, profile screen, video tags analysis, and dark mode. The app is created by a YouTuber for YouTubers and more features are coming soon.



- Monetization eligibility tracking

- Audience retention analysis

- Content creation tools

- Sharing cards

- Custom challenge tracking

- Profile screen with additional analytics and insights

- Video tags analysis

- Dark mode

- Multi-channel support by logging with Google account.

Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience

Negative experience


~ from NLP analysis of 38,115 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of YT Tracker

- Keeps you updated

- Personable developer

- Transparent

- Calculates subscribers and watch time in hours

- Predicts when you can reach monetization

- Helps with promoting content

- Extracts tags from videos

21 YT Tracker Reviews

4.7 out of 5


It’s ok, but could be better

I’ve used YTTracker on and off since January of 2019, at first it took me awhile to understand it, I paid for premium to take advantage of all it had to “offer” shortly after because the reviews seemed amazing. But every time I set goals, they never update, not even after the 48hours that they disclaim it will “possibly” take. The only goal that updates is how many videos I’ve uploaded.
So what’s the point in setting goals when your app doesn’t update the analytics for us to see where our goals remain?
Also, nothing but the YT tracker section of monetize screen works and even that is usually wrong, it’s says I am on 76 or 77 watch hours for so long now, and I have almost 98. The advanced and Progress section of the monetize part never load and doesn’t work.
The “promote” section everyday has different numbers on it and they are never correct. As well as the “my channel” section never is correct.


Pros and cons

I really like YTTracker YT tracker it’s awesome to keep you updated. But the one thing I do not like is when you go on there to check your watch hours on YTTracker it’ll show sometimes an accurate information. Like for example One day you look on there and it says you have 7856 watch hours. You come on there the next day and it’s now says you have 4170 watch hours. Then if you go on a desktop site and check your watch hours you still have all your watch hours or you have gained more watch hours. That is not displayed on YTTracker . If that can be addressed I would be greatly appreciated.



I truly encourage any Youtuber (big or small) to invest in YTTracker. I love how sincere and personable the developer is. He literally takes you along his journey of creating YTTracker for us and IT WORKS !!! Normally apps like this always have a catch and surprise about them that you find out later but he is very transparent and you only pay $6 bucks ONE TIME! I honestly wish the best for YTTracker and developer and am looking forward to seeing YTTracker reach more people because at this point everyone should have YTTracker. I love it and use it faithfully and it helps ESPECIALLY with marketing . So thank you Ed, you are very much appreciated !
Best regards ,


Pretty good 👌🏻

YTTracker is great! I loved the message from the developer in the beginning! However, YTTracker could use some changes...
First off, if you plan on paying for an app, you should probs install YTTracker. I’ve heard a lot of people saying how great it is, and to me it seems really good! There are goals you can set, awards, and a special discount of 33% off when you first join! I just wish I could have it too...
If you don’t plan on paying, then YTTracker is nothing but counting your subscribers and a timeline. I think if the developer added a couple of features for free it would be really helpful!
YTTracker is really simple to use but also motivating! Overall I’m pretty satisfied and would honestly give it 5 stars if I had premium.



Loving YTTracker so much. People are complaining about spending $5 but your channel is always going to be an investment and this is a good one. Not only does it calculate subscribers and watch time in hours, but it also predicts when you can reach monetization, which is a super motivating feature for me. Additionally, it helps with promoting content and extracts tags from videos. It’s an overall amazing app and I’ve recommended it to other small youtubers who have also started loving it.
My channel is NessacxBeauty and since getting YTTracker, my subs have increased dramatically. I don’t attribute all of my growth to it, but it did help a lot! Good job Ed!



I definitely waited to write this review. Been using YTTracker for about a month now. YT tracker keeps real time views subscribers and analytics in such an easy to use platform. My favorite thing is that you can use YTTracker to promote your content with really sick customizable templates. And you can use all of them if you pay the one time fee. $12 bucks y’all. And trust me Ive been pretty broke for a while. This is the best money I’ve spent on promo all year. The value is incredible. Better that YouTube’s creator and beta for analytics. And promoting content can be time consuming for any creator who’s gotta work and is always on the go.


4 star and why

This is a good app to know how your channel is doing but most thing on YTTracker is either a premium so they are basically just wanting you to spend 12 dollar a months just to see how your channel doing I understand need to make money but all that does is want people to delete it and make people frustrated at your app giving a bad review personally you should just make where there a add on there when log in and every 5 min a another one pops up if you need money that badly so then other people can actual use your app without paying for everything



Review of Tracker

I used YTTracker for over a year. It’s a a great app I enjoyed it very much. I paid for the Pro but it seems to be asking me for another Pro membership but it’s not lifetime it wants a monthly payment. That’s cool but it disconnected the features they gave me access for when I bought the lifetime deal. That’s my criticism. It takes every 48 hours to update certain analytics so just remember that when using YTTracker. I think more features should be added if I want a monthly payment from customers


Overpriced Pro subscription

Look, I have 19 subs and this is a good app for me. According to YTTracker , channels with the Pro membership reach monetization almost 7x faster than people without it. Of course I want to grow, but I’m not paying $75 for an app subscription! Because the monthly subscription is 8, 9 dollars a month, I don’t know. The yearly subscription is $20 a year, the same as Nintendo Switch Online! For a mobile app! And the lifetime subscription is $75! Besides that, this is a good app, but creator, if you want more people to buy the Pro subscription, lower the price because $75 is crazy overpriced!


Incredibly Useful for Small Youtubers

YTTracker is a great way to visualize your YT growth and engage/excite yourself in your channel. When I was not monetized, it was fun to see my growth and set challenges for the Chanel. And when I hit the monetization requirements, I loved everything lighting up green in celebration! There was a major bug issue with YTTracker for a few weeks, but YTTracker underwent an update, making YTTracker even 10 times better. I can now track my progress to bronze status all the way up to the diamond status. YTTracker is highly recommended by me, you should definitely download it to gain access to so much helpful information. I am excited to see what’s to come of YTTracker! :)


Love this App Better Than Tubebuddy

I bought a year subscription because it literally does more for my channel and it’s growth than tubebuddy because it allows your community to see your achievements. The more your audience can help you grow in your subscribers and views, the more you do actually grow. They want to be a part of your success. It’s awesome for letting that interaction happen through the tools in YTTracker , you’ll have to check it out for yourself.


Download it now!!

I’m a small youtuber and YTTracker is so convenient and well thought out. It gives me the ability to stay on track with my goals, gives me tips, checks my videos for performance and recommends things i should change or alter. I legit recommend YTTracker to anyone!! It helped me figure out how to gain 42 new subscribers in less than 24 hours just by giving me tips on adjusting things in my thumbnail and description box. 🙌🏽🙌🏽


Pro Makes it Difficult

It’s a great app and has been an awesome way to keep me motivated. The basics like seeing your subscriber count and watch time are available, but that’s about all you can see unless you pay.

I would love to see the score and checklist on my videos to help get them on the good side of the algorithm, but I’d have to pay and I’m not willing to do that. It would be great if those features were free. Hopefully as YTTracker grows they’ll be able to afford just having commercials instead of Pro AND commercials.


YT Tracker Review

It’s useful but it’s hard to understand and I can’t figure out if I did create my own channel or not. But I just not that great with tech. Also, just because you have the same brand of phone as someone else doesn’t mean it will work the same. Me & my sister both have the exact same phone but they both work differently. In other words, you should just try it yourself, everyone’s different. Just because I don’t care for it doesn’t mean you won’t. I suggest this because it’s free to download so if you don’t end up enjoying YTTracker it hasn’t cost you a thing.


You need this app!!

YTTracker is exactly what we need! With YouTube’s newly implemented rules about the 4000 hours of watch time required for monetization... we need a tracker and now we have one! Really appreciate it! It’s fun to see your future goals on YTTracker as well! I sent an email to YTTracker developer with a question that I had and he responded very quickly. That’s highly unusual and I really appreciate it. YTTracker has everything you need to help monitor your goals/achievements as your channel grows!


Keeps me focused

I love YTTracker! It’s super easy to use! As a new beanie baby small youtuber, YTTracker shows me where I’m growing and reaching goals! Every time I open it the numbers go up a smidge! It’s very exciting and helps me to stay focused and wanting to continue crushing goals! Thanks for the data crunching! I can concentrate on creating content while YTTracker lets me know where to focus my energy and improve, be it tags, title, description, etc


it’s okay

I like the concept of YTTracker . great idea for all of the features and especially good for new youtubers. but there are many many MANY bugs that make practically all of the features not work. for my profile, my subscriber count is 501? i’m at 111. but then click subs milestones and it says 5665 and that as well for view count. you can’t refresh YTTracker because nothing happens. however, on the main page, it says I have 0 subscribers and 36 watch hours (which is true) but all of the numbers are all over the place! I paid for premium and i feel completely ripped off! I want a refund! I think YTTracker is fine but DO NOT BUY PREMIUM.


Awesome app

I just started using it. But the amount of information and tips available are incredible. Annoying review requests from the developer irritated me slightly tho. I get it, reviews help. But you should really put a delay on there before you start asking. I had to put up with it before I even got to know YTTracker . I wouldn’t mind if it was free. But it’s not cool after I paid money for it.


Not the best, but pretty good!

So, I randomly found YTTracker and I downloaded it, and I found that it was actually pretty good. It shows how many views you have, subscribers, and much more. The only thing is, you have to buy half the stuff that’s actually USEFUL (Do we all agree that happens with almost any apps) but it’s pretty good otherwise. I would recommend you get it, cuz it does have some cool, helpful things. Thanks for reading my review, hope it was helpful, and have a great day :D


This is super helpful!!!

I love YTTracker for being able to tell you the things that normally would be difficult to get to without it. It saves you a lot of time. I highly recommend YTTracker. The only reason it is 4 stars is because there are so many other useful features in YTTracker that you just can’t get without paying. But before I change your mind about getting YTTracker give it a try! It is super accurate and helpful! Also I will be buying the extra features!


Awesome App

I love YTTracker, especially because it helps me gauge what I need to be doing to reach my goals of monetization more efficiently. I did upgrade to the premium version as soon as I downloaded, because I didn’t see any reason not to. The recent updates have made YTTracker even better. I also love the templates provided to create posts for my social media platforms, to promote my videos! Thank you.


Might work, but it’s not doing it for me 😕

Sure, this might be helpful and that’s why I didn’t give this one star. But my subscriber count isn’t working (I mean maybe it’s because I only have 3 subs, but really?)
And I also feel like I don’t understand some of what they’re offering (maybe because I’m a teen idk) but I DO like the fact that you can challenge yourself, and I am using it for that. But I don’t think the subs challenge will complete itself if the sub count doesn’t work. Has great potential, and I plan to keep this anyway in case it fixes. But I really don’t like how it’s hard to get your sub count to work

~ Jayflight


Tracker is not updating

This is the third time my data isn’t updated. YTTracker says I have 0 subscribers and my hours are behind. Seeing that I have 0 subscribers causes a mini-stroke each time I open YTTracker . I deleted it and reinstalled, didn’t help. It seems YTTracker tracked better when my channel was below 1000 subscribers and when I had less than 4000 hours. I’m not sure what’s going on but seemed to be working fine up until a month ago. Now YTTracker gives little useful information. I’m really bummed as I enjoyed YTTracker a lot!


It’s helpful

I really like YTTracker. It has helped me keep track of where I stand on YouTube.(ex: how much watch time and how many subscribers). I know they recently added in being able to look up more hashtags. It also shows how long it will take to become monetized.

I paid for the pro version but I don’t remember what you’re missing with the free version. In any case, I gave it 4 stars because I feel like there wasn’t much more included for the price.


Why you should get this app

YTTracker helps me in so many ways tells me what gear i should get like cameras lighting etc.. you can make goals so you don’t lose motivation and i recommend big and small youtubers to invest time amd money in YTTracker i bought pro sense it’s helped so much im tryimg to get monitized and if this is also your goal than YTTracker will help you 100% of the way.


Very Good App

I really like YTTracker. The milestones feature is a amazing idea and helps me grow my channel. Although I have few subscribers right now YTTracker has still helped me gain more. Again the milestones feature is incredible. Instead of me thinking too big it takes things one step at a time.

Overall great app. The payed version is definitely worth it.


Pretty cool

I’m a small gaming channel at the moment called urban legend gaming n I’m trying to grow my channel and YTTracker offers a bunch of cool tools. Loving it so far even though I only had it for a few days. 12 bucks for a lifetime membership since my page is an investment anyways why not. Let’s crack the 1000 subs n 4000 watch time. Check out my channel for reviews walkthroughs tips n tricks


I use the app almost daily!

I love it and it definitely makes my life as a macro influencer so much easier! My only suggestions would be to make it so we don’t have to add a photo background, and then remove it just to get only the template overlay to show. They’re all perfect so most times I don’t even add a photo. It would be nice if the ready made overlay backgrounds were just the default and we could edit from there.

Tyreke Gordon   2 years ago

I canceled the subscription and money was taking out of my account and l would want it back

Is YT Tracker Safe?

Yes. YT Tracker for YouTube Creator is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 38,115 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.7/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for YT Tracker Is 62.2/100.

Is YT Tracker Legit?

Yes. YT Tracker for YouTube Creator is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 38,115 YT Tracker for YouTube Creator User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for YT Tracker Is 77.2/100..

Is YT Tracker for YouTube Creator not working?

YT Tracker for YouTube Creator works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

Pricing Information

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by users..

YT Tracker offers two subscription tiers:

1. Free version:

- Monetization eligibility tracking

- Audience retention

- Content create

- Sharing cards

- Custom challenge tracking

- Profile screen

- Video tags analysis

- Multi-channel support

2. Pro version:

- All features of the free version

- Dark mode

- Advanced analytics

- Unlimited custom challenges

- Priority support

The Pro version is available for a monthly subscription of $4.99 or an annual subscription of $49.99.

How was your experience with YT Tracker for YouTube Creator? Post a Review

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