Cash, Inc. Fame & Fortune Game Reviews

Cash, Inc. Fame & Fortune Game Reviews

Published by on 2024-01-31

About: Embark on the ultimate idle clicker adventure of a lifetime with Cash, Inc.! You
can build a time machine and be the most popular money tycoon of all time


Overall Customer Experience šŸ˜Ž

Negative experience


Positive experience

~ from NLP analysis of 556,734 combined software reviews.

Summary of Customer Reviews (Takeaways): šŸ’Ž

- You can buy new towers with money, increase your fame percentage each time you give away a whole new tower and start from scratch, making you earn faster.

- Missions and rewards to multiply tower profit and progress.

- It moves faster than other games of its type.

- The game rewards you better with making the right choices.

- It doesn't feel pushy with ads or pay to win.

- It gives free gems and asks if youā€™d like to view an ad to get free gems, spins on the bonus wheel and also increase revenues.

Read 20 Customer Service Reviews šŸ‘暟¤¬šŸ˜”šŸ˜ šŸ’¢šŸ˜¤

4.9 out of 5

Not sure what happened


First Iā€™ll start out by saying that I originally had this game at 5 stars but then I took it down to 3 stars due to their customer service not getting back to me in over a week. I ended up taking it down to a 1 star because Iā€™ve only heard back from them twice since March 16th and that only happened because I had to email them telling them that I havenā€™t heard anything from them after waiting about 2 weeks each time. The sad part is that this last time they didnā€™t give me any real explanation as to why my problem happened other than I didnā€™t save the game play to the cloud and that it did that automatically in version 1.1.6. Thatā€™s fine and all but their history of updates shows that going back to version 1.1.2 is when it started automatically doing that and I didnā€™t start playing until after that version. To make it even better, I logged into Facebook through the game to save my progress like it said, so there shouldnā€™t be any issues but there are. I would like Apple to look into why my last review got deleted from here. I want them to do it just in case itā€™s an issue on their end.

I finished the game, now what?


So I played the game to completion and the ending says ā€œCongratulations, you beat it! Now you can choose to reset the game and ā€˜Lose All Achievementsā€™ or just keep playing what you are playingā€.... So basically you are saying to beat the game means there is nothing left to do but start over without ANY of the Multiplier bonuses that you earned through spending hours playing this game and whatever multiplier bonuses you got from golden tickets or crystals you earned or spent. Thatā€™s just plain ridiculous. Thereā€™s no bonus or achievement for ā€œwinningā€ the game. Which makes it pointless to keep playing after you beat it. At least make some extra levels for when you beat it or a ā€œGame Winning Prestigeā€ type of thing where you get a large multiplier bonus or something. Or make more upgrades and more towers or something so that you can continue playing when you do beat it. It was very Very disappointing to be honest with you. To spend all this time playing this game and have an ending with no reward at all.

Great game, BUT...


I was just going to leave a better review than this, as i have really enjoyed the game. BUT over the last couple days while playing, these random people pop up and take up 1/3 of the screen with some dumb comment and no matter where you touch the screen, it takes you to an ad to give you 2 crystals. It's SUPER annoying. The game is 80% ads anyway. I don't know if it was a recent update that added those people or my level of progress in the game or what, but that needs to stop. Even if you don't watch ads to get a multiplier or 7x cash or whatever, random ads still play anyway. This game and games like it need to change how they do this. I get why they do it but you spend 80% of your time putting your phone down and waiting 40 seconds while ads play. It's absolutely ridiculous. At LEAST make the ads a max of 10-15 seconds. Not the 30-40 seconds they are. And have higher rewards for watching the ads. Like instead of 2 hours of 3x multiplier, make it 4hr or 5hr per ad watched. I don't know that iā€™ll play this game more than another week and absolutely can't recommend this game to anyone else the way it is. The devs want you to swim through hours of ads to progress, THEN have a store that you can spend real money to progress. Are the 500 ads per hour not enough revenue? Seems really greedy and annoying.

Total AdCap ripoff that is enjoyable at first


Iā€™ll start with saying that I am a total sucker for idle games. I LOVE them. I play them all. So when I saw an ad for this game, I got it and played it for hours on end without putting it down. I started to notice something a little funny about the was very familiar. So familiar, in fact, that I went back to Adventure Capitalist to look at the leveling progression, multipliers, bonuses, etc., and what I noticed is that they are almost identical. Not a giant deal to me, but it was a little pathetic for a game to do this.

What really got me and the reason as to why Iā€™m deleting the game is because once you get far enough into the game, after youā€™re hooked and the chances of you leaving the game are significantly lower, they shove unavoidable ads down your throat. Not one or two here and there, but about every 60 seconds you are forced into an ad. There is nothing you can do about them, and you canā€™t play in airplane mode to use that work around.

Itā€™s sad that developers are choosing to go this route with revenue, but Iā€™m avoiding it like the plague.

Really fun game, way too many ads


Donā€™t get my wrong. This is one of the best mobile games that Iā€™ve played. But someone needs to do something about the ad situation. When I first started playing, there was little ads, only when I wanted to get something, like multiply the money that I earned in a certain time period. But later in the game the tactics are more annoying than any other mobile gameā€™s ad situation that Iā€™ve seen. So basically one of the little guys from one of the stores on your tower will pop up on the screen and say ā€œI dare you to spot me in this video. There will be a surprise reward!ā€ And thereā€™s no way to get out of it. You have to tap the screen anywhere to start the ad, usually theyā€™re thirty seconds. Along with if I want to multiply my money or open a chest for example. I watch the ad to open the chest, then I get the stupid annoying person telling me there will be a sUPrIsE ReWarD! Which, by the way, is two gems. Iā€™ve been racking up gems from those ads for a while (two months to be exact) and I got about 80 gems. You need 100 gems to do anything with them.

Great, until the update


Normally I donā€™t write reviews, but after some of the recent updates, I have to say something about it. CashIncFameFortuneGame was wonderful and I had fun making money and raising in fame. This however changed when a new update rolled around, causing NPCā€™s to pop up every once in a while, forcing you to watch an ad. Granted you get gems for doing it, but its annoying to have then CONSTANTLY popping up and forcing you to watch an ad. There are a bunch of ways I could see around this problem, such as A) reducing the frequency of the NPCā€™s to maybe every two or three minutes; B) adding a system where If watch an ad for the spinner or have an active 2x booster from watching ads, the NPCā€™s stop appearing (maybe also make it togglable for people who want to grind gems); C) maybe combine the two? Overall, CashIncFameFortuneGame is wonderful but it is starting to go down the path of ad-mayhem. I hope it doesnā€™t become an ad simulator.

Wayyy too many ads


I know every single other person has said this, but the message really needs to get through to the devs, there are WAY too many ads. Basically if you want to do anything in the game, you HAVE TO WATCH AN AD. It is so annoying. But even worse is how they also force you to ā€œwatchā€ one, but usually all anyone does is put their phones down and wait for the ad to stop playing. This just proves that their method is not that effective. Also, when these other games pay money to the devs of this game to get an ad on there, I usually only see it a few times and then never again. I think this is because the games realize nobody is actually playing their game. Anyways, a few things I would recommend are: 1. Making the ads shorter, like 10-15 seconds long 2. Making the ads less frequent 3. Making the ads skippable Or even better: Remove the ads entirely I know they need ads to make money, but youā€™d think by now from all the ads they make you watch theyā€™d have plenty of money to last them a few decades. I just really need the devs to acknowledge that their game has too many ads for the players enjoyment.

Excellent game to pass the time.


Highly addicting, to a degree.. I was instantly hooked to this game, and love the fact that you really only need to play a few minutes every now and then to upgrade things, yet regardless of whether or not you are playing your businesses will be making money. There are a few games similar to this that are currently available, but the overall style and gameplay of this one I prefer most. Like most free games, the ads can get a little annoying.. but the majority of them can be skipped after 5 seconds, and youā€™ll get some gems for your time (used for several things, such as to multiply all the money you made while you were not playing the game by 3, which typically will make quite an impact). Iā€™m not sure if the higher dollar labels are correct (septsexadillion or something like that), but I sure wish I could profit like that IRL.

There are a few little annoyances but overall I recommend this game to just about anyone.

Amazingly strategic


Although the majority of reviews state that this game FORCES ads, IT DOES NOT. I donā€™t understand why people claim this game forces ads, it doesnā€™t, the only time it has ads is for a boost or a wheel spin etc. This game is super fun and surprisingly strategic, I thought this game was gonna be one of those ā€œplay once and deleteā€ kinda games but itā€™s not. Super fun and super addictive I 100% recommend.

EDIT: Please add a new era or SOMETHING the game gets boring after you beat neocosmic era, as the original era really doesnā€™t have much stuff to do, I hope these people add an update soon, or they are gonna lose a player. I took off 1 star for this reason, but I still recommend the game.

EDIT 2: At this point the game is insanely boring, Iā€™m almost done with the original era and i have had the new cosmic era completed for what seems like forever ago, this game now does force ads, but honestly, for 2 gems itā€™s worth it and if you donā€™t want to watch the ad, simply reload the game. So for all the complaining about ads, I strongly disagree. I still suggest at least giving the game a try, as itā€™s really fun for roughly a month, have a nice day.

Addicting Game- Reccomended


Cash Inc. is very addictive. Basically, you tap a business to earn money. You can upgrade your business to earn more, and once you have enough money, you can hire VIPā€™s. They automatically run the business so you donā€™t have to tap. Once you earn enough money, you can restart your businesses and earn Fame. You can spend your Fame to get discounts on your businesses. Each time you meet a goal you get a new tower. I recommend it. But I give it 4 stars because if you like games that you need skill for or if you want a game to play on an airplane or car ride, you donā€™t want this game. You just wait for money and then you can upgrade. Itā€™s addicting, but itā€™s not particularly entertaining. There arenā€™t many ads, actually. You only watch ads if you want a boost in the game. Also, you can buy gems with actual money and use them for boosts.
I hope this review was helpful. This was written by a 12 year old girl, by the way. Itā€™s really hurting my hands to not spell everything like ā€œuā€ and ā€œurā€ and ā€œidkā€ and stuff. But donā€™t judge me for including this. I can do what I want.
SCHOOL START TIMES SHOULD BE PUSHED BACK! Adolescents are not getting enough sleep. (8 1/2 to 9 1/2 hours a night) and pushing back start times would dramatically improve childrenā€™s health, safety, and academic performance!!
An Awesome Person

Great at first......


Look, I love this game, I basically play it everyday, but itā€™s starting to get annoying after this new update. If you donā€™t know about Cash, Inc. itā€™s a tapping business game, where you work your way to the top of business, sell your business, and make more money to gain fame and more available resources. After this new update though, you get blasted with ads every 2-3 minutes that you canā€™t click out of for a few gems, that arenā€™t very helpful if you donā€™t have a lot of. I get why the company has done this, so they can force benefit for them, while the consumer get a tiny reward as well. I just donā€™t think it should be force profit for the company. I say make available where the consumer can click off the ad, or donā€™t blast us ads ever 2-3 minutes. Iā€™m fine with company making ads, but itā€™s frustrating to get one every other minute.

Itā€™s a fun game to pass the time but itā€™s ad hungry


On the front of this game, it looks like itā€™s a fun little simulator that you could play to pass some time if you are bored or maybe waiting for a game to start, a car ride, or even just a before-bed game. But this game has micro-transactions and should earn enough money to not have ads. To think, I have been playing this game on my phone since it came out Iā€™m pretty sure. And it never had ads, but itā€™s just become so ad hungry, a random dude just pops up on your screen without any cancel button to not have an ad, and you literally get the littlest reward for an unskippable ad, and if you press anywhere, itā€™ll put you in the ad, I have started just to close out CashIncFameFortuneGame then open it back up and just woolah, itā€™s fine and dandy, but 15 seconds later the same thing happens, I really think ads have started to make mobile games the worst thing ever, itā€™s worse than Instagram thinking itā€™s better than reddit...

Gave it a shot and...


As the title states I gave this game a shot and I havenā€™t been able to put it down it moves faster than others of its type, but the game also rewards you better with making the right choices, often times it feels like some the risk isnā€™t worth the slight reward with games of this type but this game tends to say hey letā€™s pump the brakes some and come back and then we should restart or prestige which I find is good helps pass time and doesn't feel pushy with ads or pay to win I havenā€™t put .01 cent into the game and I feel as if I am being rewarded just as much as if I did buy a lower package. The game seems to be fair with giving free gems and asks if youā€™d like to view an ad to get free gems, spins on the bonus wheel and also increase revenues which is totally up to you if you chose to I like the game took a chance playing it and itā€™s been a lot of fun definitely worth the 5 star rating !

Why Cash inc is such an amazing game


Hello this is Joshua and I would like to tell you all some reasons why this game is so amazing. Cash inc is undoubtedly the best boredom breaker in CashIncFameFortuneGame Store. My sister and I love this game, and can not stop playing it. We, as young kids, are not allowed to stay up late. Well, no problem. Cash inc generates money, even if you are not in the game, witch unlike most, does not require full attention. Also there are many options on how to play the game. Want a do over, but not a full one? Well, this game has that too. Any time I want a do over in a game I usually have to delete it, and loose it completely. But in this game you get a in game do over, and gives you a system called fame witch gives you faster money. Add all of that to catchy music and fun ideas equals this amazing game.

PS I am earning money as I write this! šŸ‘

Umm sort of!


OK so usually the ads arenā€™t a problem for me. Are usually just learn to deal with them but Iā€™ve not got to play the game and Iā€™ve been loaded down with ads and I just got on the game. I would really love for the people to stop popping up and making suggestions of me watching an ad to get more coins and diamonds or money or whatever the heck it is. This is my only problem maybe it will get better maybe it will get worse I will write another of you and I want one or both of them responded to. If it gets better I will write a review about how I got better and worse Iā€™ll write a review just like this please respond to one of these reviews. Meanwhile, the game is really good and the quality is unbelievable!!ā¤ļøā¤ļø Other than the ads, this game is pretty awesome and just because I have problems with ads, donā€™t you dare not get this game!šŸ˜šŸ˜ So, to sum it up, very awesome, guys and girls!

I love it.ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


I greatly like this over adventure capitalist because, it has a prestige system, it introduces many intresting concepts (fame points, better building, etc.), and it has no frickin ads. Like seriously, I played ad cap before it needed WiFi and got plenty of ads. Now it ā€œneedsā€ WiFi but isnā€™t a add fest. Thing is with this game u dont need WiFi and all ads are optional (and it doesnā€™t have stupid tik tok ads.) but enough about ad cap. This game just looks relatively nice, itā€™s not super hard but DEFINITELY not easy. I just really enjoy this game. Itā€™s a great time killer as well. Everything about this game is quite fun. I love it. Also if the devs are reading this, plz add more layers to the buildings so you have to work even more, but not too many more so itā€™s impossible. I currently thing this is the best tycoon game on CashIncFameFortuneGame Store. Definitely recommend.

Forever ongoing


I've been looking through the reviews and seeing a few comments about beating it quickly and how it's too short. I'm not quite sure if they've updated it by then, but it lives up to what they want now! You can buy new towers with money, increase your fame percentage each time you give away a whole new tower and start from scratch, making you earn faster. I didn't even know numbers like septtrigintillion or something existed. Plus missions and rewards to multiply tower profit and progress. It's a super fun game! Almost no bugs. I've only had one mishap and it sent me to a chat room with an automated associate to quickly and easily report the issue and if wanted, find out what to do to avoid it or fix it. I've been playing for about a month and I'm only about half way through the towers. A recent addition to the game added a futuristic world that has gone bankrupt in which you must gain money for. It's like a second game but a new connected theme. 10/10 would recommend.

Very good, BUT!


I friggin love Cash, Inc. One time I saw my cousin playing it and I was like YASSSSSSSSS must have. So I downloaded. Starts out VERY slow but actually gets very quick. Like now Iā€™m so good at it when Iā€™m gone for like two minutes I get like twenty octillion dollars. But one day I was thinking that my friend might like this and I wanted to share it to him because it would get crystals so I clicked ā€œshareā€ but nothing happened. And there are way too many ads. Like, it would be okay if they popped up and said hey do you wanna watch this ad? but instead the little characters come and are like WATCH IT WATCH IT and donā€™t give you a choice so every time I have to leave CashIncFameFortuneGame and re-open it because thereā€™s so many and I donā€™t want to even if it will give me diamonds because I donā€™t want diamonds. I also think that you should add more than just the two eras. (There might be more and I just haven't unlocked them yet but Iā€™m pretty sure there isnā€™t)

P. S. I love Mr. Cameo

Good game but letā€™s discuss


Ok so overall good game! It seems to be a great success! Iā€™ve been playing since the game came out. I have a few questions so,

Can I purchase no ads? If so where can I find where to purchase it? The game gives me bad anxiety literally BAD anxiety with the ads there 10-30 seconds long. I canā€™t even spend a whole 5 minutes without an ad popping up. And thereā€™s so way to escape the ads no X button and no point in exiting out the game because once you get back in the same ad pops back out like ā€œhey donā€™t worry you didnā€™t loose the ad! Iā€™ve got it right hereā€ . I willing to purchase it even if itā€™s $10 itā€™s not a problem with me just give me a price and Iā€™ll buy it.

And since the game has come out Iā€™ve been very nice watching all the ads, be patient, and knowing thatā€™s how you feed your family. I understand itā€™s how you survive.

Unlike all the others Iā€™m not giving a bad review. Because Im not like that anyways all I ask is for you to please not ignore my review please respond back and donā€™t be afraid to respond saying you guys wonā€™t be letting people purchase no ads. Thank you! God bless the creative people who made this game! ā¤ļø

And one more thing can you make it so that every 2 minutes you get an add? Thank you.

Great game!


Cash Inc. is super addictive but in a good way. I would totally recommend CashIncFameFortuneGame to someone. Not only is it fun but its sort of satisfying and makes you happy seeing how much money you have. The fact that you can sign contracts and build your fame makes the game seem a bit more realistic. I love how its really easy to get stuff and not a lot of things you have to buy with real money but you do have to work for it in game. Its a awesome game on the go when your bored or just want something to do. I donā€™t usually write reviews for simple games like this but Cash Inc. is super simple and super fun! The fact you can own your own business is great and hire people to help. Its not just that its other things that make the game much more logical unlike others.

Is Cash Inc Fame Fortune Game Safe?

No. Cash, Inc. Fame & Fortune Game does not seem very safe to us. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 556,734 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.9/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Cash Inc Fame Fortune Game Is 16.4/100.

Is Cash Inc Fame Fortune Game Legit?

No. Cash, Inc. Fame & Fortune Game does not seem legit based on our analysis. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 556,734 Cash, Inc. Fame & Fortune Game User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Cash Inc Fame Fortune Game Is 34.2/100..

Is Cash, Inc. Fame & Fortune Game not working?

Cash, Inc. Fame & Fortune Game works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

How was your experience with Cash, Inc. Fame & Fortune Game? Post a Review


Embark on the ultimate idle clicker adventure of a lifetime with Cash, Inc.! You can build a time machine and be the most popular money tycoon of all time (literally!).

Then, let amazing superstars take your business game to the next level, as they will collect your riches in your place! Become a money-crazed business tycoon as you see your riches grow in all eras.

ā€¢ Work your way up to the Rich List! Join a community of business elites in the Cash, Inc.

Start your own business adventure and live the life youā€™ve always wanted.

ā€¢ Make money while you renovate your business tower.

ā€¢ Make money and pile up profit so you can spend your money on what YOU want.

This tapping game was made for you, Boss! Click and tap just for a little while.

ā€¢ Use your earnings from tapping (as well as from your managers) to upgrade various businesses.

Disclaimer: Playing Cash, Inc.

requires a secure internet connection.

ā€¢ Tap whenever, wherever you want, and take a break.
