Japji Sahib Path, which appears at the beginning of Sikh Holy Book, is most recited path in Gurbani/ Nitnem and is recited every morning by Sikhs all over the world.
It is written in sutra or mantra form and consists of Mool Mantra as the beginning followed by 38 hymns and a final Salok and elaborates all the basic teaching of Guru Nanak i.e. basic concept of Sikhism: devotional worship, the concept of creation.
You can read 'Japji Sahib Path' in Hindi or Punjabi and can read meaning of path while reading or listening to 'Japji Sahib Audio'.
'Japji Sahib Path' app let you read and listen to 'Japji Sahib Audio' on your mobile.
Purpose of this app is to let busy and mobile young generation reconnect with Sikhism and Gurubani by reading path on mobile.