Geometry Dash World Reviews

Geometry Dash World Reviews

Published by on 2024-11-29

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Overall Customer Experience 😎

🤬 Negative experience

😎 Positive experience

🫥 Neutral

~ from NLP analysis of 59,120 combined software reviews.

Read 20 Customer Service Reviews 😠💢

4.5 out of 5
It’s alright

So here’s the thing, I’m a girl and I found a secret message in this game thing or whatever and it said boys are more experienced than girls so they suggest that only boys and men play this and not women and girls. Like come on people! That ain’t wrong about other genders playing a supposedly “boy” game! I’m in 4rth grade and I know what’s to wrong and what’s right. So here’s the good thing... I think the game is fine. There’s no glitches or anything like that but it’s the ads. The ads always go on after I complete or lose in a level. I also think that anyone can create a level but it’s disables only for the “ full version of geometry dash “ like seriously what kind of a game is this!?!?! Well it’s fun but I think the creators of this game have to read this because I think everyone should have some more respect in their gaming times. Quarantine is very hard and people need to have fun so I suggest that the creators of this game change it because then they’ll see how many more five star reviews they can get. This is just nonsense 🙄🙄🙄

Please read

This game is a lot of fun but there is ads, like always but instead of short ads there is ads so long they feel like a hour and after those long you usually get a prize in most games but this one you get nothing so when a ad pops up I just restart the game because even that seems like a shorter time, the only good thing is it doesn’t happen all the time it just happens randomly. Also when I jump I accidentally tap twice and it just usually kills me and it is so frustrating when that happen and also most of the time when I try to jump nothing happens and It is so annoying when that happens and now that problem keeps getting worse because I actually do jump but it says I didn’t jump. The super long ads make me even more angry so whenever one pops I start teasing that ad and also I can’t do practice because a super long ad is gonna rudely interrupts me when I am to do practice mode, overall good but still has problems and please make the ads shorter or remove them

Disappointed Me

I saw that this existed in an ad in a different game. As a big Geometry Dash fan, I was super happy that this came out and I got it immediately. I played through the main levels, and they took 5-10 minutes. Very easy, which is good for new players, but I don't need or really like. Next, the levels themselves. They looked good, but the music (which I have LOVED in previous games, especially songs like Cycles) was terrible. I played muted for a while. The music ranged from average to make-it-go-away. There were some neat secrets as always, but I won't spoil them. The online levels were limited and could be played in the full version. There were bugs, as chests don't work at all, and neither do quests. They give me the spinning circle of death and then make me wait for another 4 or 24 hours for nothing.
Verdict: If you want an indicator of Geometry Dash for free, get Geometry Dash Meltdown, as it's better. Get the actual game if you like, I highly recommend it. Only get this for a not-really-that-good preview of what we'll see in 2.1.
Thanks for reading!

Epic game buuuuut...

The game itself is great! It has a lot of features, and I have GD Full Version as well! Which brings me to why I only rated 3 stars. A while back, when I was getting really good at the game, I linked my full version account (which had 473 demons beat, including some extreme demons) to my GD worlds. It worked really well, and I was really happy! Until... later that week a bunch of people in daily chat were saying things like “hacked by” and changing their characters to the basic character. It was a funny joke, until RobTop showed up and changed EVERYONES password (at least, those of us in daily chat). No big deal, right? Just put in your email and change the password back. Here’s the catch: I made the account on a FRIENDS email account. I don’t remember the email, and I’m not in touch with her anymore. And because I was not able to put anything in chat due to basic rules, I couldn’t do anything. I lost that account. That was 2 years of progress gone. Thanks, robtop.

Losing stuff as I get it

I was casually playing gdw on one morning. And that’s when I got two keys, I go to the chest room and open two chest’s. I get this cool death effect/affect and a lava shard. That death effect/affect was my very first one, and a new robot from collecting 35 lava shards. As I collect them, I go immediately to my character and put them on. I go to do “The Challenge” just for memes but also to test out the affect/effect. I let my self die a couple times to admire the coolness. And as I’m admiring it, my game freezes, I press the pause button to see if it’ll help, just making it even WORSE! It kicks me out of the game and doesn’t let me entry it for a couple of seconds. Then finally, I was able to reenter the game, not only to see that my characters color was reset to how I had it before, but to see that it had removed my robot and my death affect/effect. So, RobTop, if you can please fix this bug, it would be amazing and thankful because I know I could just buy them, but the one I got was cool. Overall, this is a great game even though some people say that once you finish the main levels, there’s nothing else to do, but there is. So please RobTop, it would be amazing. And also, all your other games are awesome too. Oh and one other thing, I have lost other things, but was able to buy them back or just retrieve it.

Great for Beginners

This is a great game. Overall, it’s great. The music is fantastic and syncs with the levels amazingly. This time you’ve got a more Mario style version, only being able to play one level at a time. It’s creative and the orbs thing is cool.
Everyone is disliking the easiness. As a GD fan who has already played the other games, I can’t argue. They should have started with levels this easy, but I really don’t mind. The levels are usually so hard in other versions my nerves can’t take it, so having these levels help with that! The music is AWESOME in this one, some even better than the other versions’. I think any beginners wanting to warm up to it should go for it! I love all the games and I think this one is cool too. Dive right in and fall in love with this game like so many have!

Not for the pros...

The game is fair, I prefer the first 2 the same reason of pretty much everyone else. This game is easy, mainly due to the short duration of the level. It isn't a bad thing to add easier levels for new people but people from the original players (people who haven't quit: meaning we are fair at the game) it's a boring cake walk, I question why you didn't add this to meltdown, as a secondary story mode? A game should have a mix of hard and easy levels, adding this to meltdown satisfies a need for slightly easier levels for those lower level players. Adding the chest and currency to meltdown could of been a easy process as well, it wouldn't do any harm as well? So I question why this game is even a another game and not a update? Maybe there is a good reason but as a game as a whole it's fine, I'm not a fan of most user created levels which I guess truly give a harder difficulty. Last but not least does anyone feel the difficulty rating on some of these user created levels feel a bit low? (It might be me I guess due to not playing this game since meltdown, but I swore it was much easier than this?) 9.2/10 stupid 5 star rating system ;D


I think that this game has a lot of good stuff and it totally brings a new style to the game. but when you get into the editor of gdw then it gets a bit annoying, so when I try to put in a trigger but there is an ad on the top of my phone, I can’t really mess with the X bar and Y bar in the move trigger because the ad is blocking full view and when you close the ad by clicking why this ad and putting in a random aspect of the add it just says ad closed by google so then I have to close the game, also to go with it I do have the full version of Gd but it doesn’t do anything even when I load my progress in and so I can’t use the editor but I use a glitch to get into the editor and to top it the 2.2 EDITOR. But if I close the game then all my progress on the level gets deleted and I can’t upload it and this all leads back to my first complaint with the ads on the top of the screen that doesn’t even let you exit the editor and you have to crash your game to get out of the editor but again your progress gets deleted. I think this is a great game BUT DELETE THE ADS FOR GODS SAKE.

Cool game

This game is not bad at all! As seen in other reviews, however there are many ads that distract you when you are really concentrating on a level. There are many pros to the game though. The levels are easy and fun. As a 9 year old, for a while, this will be a very entertaining game to play in spare time. There are a few more cons I want to put out there. The levels are so quick to play, you fly through them. Then you just end up repeating the same levels over and over again. In my opinion, they should have added more by now. But don’t get me wrong, I love World, and I would definitely recommend it to those who have not downloaded it. Unlike Subzero or Meltdown, there are tons of levels to play. My fav out of all of the World levels is Years. It has a smooth beat that I loved and still play now. Anyway, in summary I love this game very much and I have described all my problems. If they can change those struggles in the game, I would really appreciate that. ✌️

Great Job RubRub, but…

First off, I love the gameplay. The quests, the chests, everything. I do have several problems though. One problem is that the levels are WAY too easy. The hardest level took me 2 attempts no practice. Maybe you should add some harder levels in the next world. Second, I got it last night, so when I woke up and went to open my chests, both stalled for a long time and then said, "something went wrong." I pressed the X that appeared in the top corner, and I now have to wait another 4 and 24 hours to reopen them, even thought I didn't get anything from them. Also, so many things say "only in the full version of Geometry Dash" when it's not in the full version. Finally, I like this new game and all, but I think you should work on 2.1 on the original Geometry Dash instead of new Geometry Dashes. If you read this, thanks for your time. If RubRub is reading (which is highly doubtful), then please fix these problems. Thanks for reading. May the Force be with you ;)

It's a good gameplay

I love geometry dash. But why so many ads? I was playing when all of a sudden an ad pops up. That has happened to me only in geometry dash world. It stops people from being able to play through the whole thing. Also, why do you have to have the full version for so many things? The only user created levels that you can play are featured ones. That is not showing a lot of credit to the smaller creators. And if you are going to let us play them at all, you could at least let us search levels. Also, when I purchased something in the store, it would not let me use it. What's the point of the store when you can't use anything from it? Other than that, the game is amazing. You have great levels and very good music. Please take it into consideration to get rid of the ads and have less restricted things only for the full version, thank you.

I'm Hopeful

I'm a huge fan of geometry dash. I love the game along with meltdown and this one. The one problem with this game and meltdown is lack of content. The levels in this game are short and very easy, it took me about 7 mins to beat this game. Ya that's how little content there is. The main reason I'm giving this game ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ is because I love the game geometry dash and want to support the game. Now I may be wrong when I say they will probably abandon this game like they did geometry dash meltdown, which I really hope doesn't happen, it would be a shame to see a game with potential go to waste but, it's happened before it could easily happen again.

If the game isn't updated within the next few months adding new content the game will be dead.

When/if that happens I will write another review but I won't give the developers as much credit just because I like their other games.

Only unlockable in geometry dash

Why are there so many things that are only unlockable in the full version of geometry dash. If the items are only unlockable in geometry dash, why even display them? It doesn't make much sense to me. The ads have also gotten worse across games. I know I should have expected it, as it's free, but it really messes the flow of gameplay up. I and many others would appreciate if you would tone down the ads, so as to not show them during levels.
On the other hand, it has very impressive levels. It was a very good idea to give player made levels a try, but one again, most of the useful options for player made levels are restricted to geometry dash. Once again, why are the buttons even there if they're not available? The only player made levels you can get are from the featured, so it gives very little exposure to the smaller creators. Other than these complaints, it is an overall good sequel to the original game. If not for these few issues, I would rate it 5 stars. If robtop is reading this, if you can, please fix these issues. It would make the game go a lot smoother for the players.
Thank you for your time,

It's OK-ish

This game is very annoying because every time it gets to the number five it always freezes up and takes forever and then my sound doesn't work for the music but it's actually really good it's OK and it's not OK I think you shouldn't download it or you could download it if you'd want to take the risk this game is very OK… Sometimes this game gets me so frustrated because it freezes up and I can't even type anything I have to go all the way to my home button and pull up my slide because the game froze what sometimes I have to turn off my whole entire phone for my for me to tap on it I'll tap on anything actually I don't think you should really download it but if you want to you can i'm starting to dislike the game… The game is OK!! But sometimes it makes me so mad!! Sometimes I just have to turn off my whole phone and get a break of this game!!

For the beginners

This game is good and all but there’s not too many levels and they are really short if u have been playing geometry dash for a LONG time and u think ur really good at it then this game is not for u anyone who just started playing geometry dash should start with this game besides that it’s a really fun game and i think u can make a account on the regular version of geometry dash then do some sort of linking of accounts the u get the icons from subzero meltdown and world all on the main version but idk how to do that Bc it’s really confusing and I’ve tried before it would be easier if u could sort of merge all the games into one and have all the levels in one version overall this game is not for the pros just for beginners 5 out of 5 stars

Good game :D

I love this game. It is very fun to play and is super addicting. it introduces the full version of geometry dash. I like the game and I recommend this game to anyone but a few things. One thing is the ads. Even though the ads are fine there always a pop up on the top of the screen and also there are some ads that are long and can’t FREAKING SKIP THEM it’s kinda annoying and almost makes the game unplayable. The second thing is the difficulty if you are looking for a good challenge game then this game is not for you if you love hard things. Sure it’s good for new people but afterwords it’s just boring because of how easy the levels are if you want more challenging levels then you should go to the daily levels on the game.

Great game! Just some suggestions for what to add next.

Hello, and I pretty much have not encountered any problems in GeometryDashWorld, so I decided to give you some suggestions. So I was thinking that you could of course make a new island for the game because toxic factory is literally like the last stage and then the key master says, “you need to complete toxic factory to unlock player made levels, and I accept that, of course, but then it kinda ruins it because toxic factory is the last island. So can you guys make a new island? Also, I do enjoy the challenging levels. (But sometimes they frustrate me) So far, no bugs.... and great work on this game! Ok now... WHAT’S WITH THE SECRET CHAMBER?!

Island Name Ideas:

Polluted Forest (It would have levels similar to Dashlands but with some added elements of the Toxic Factory levels) ☠️🏕

Worth the wait! 8)

Welcome to Geometry Dash World! If this is your first step into Geometry Dash, let me assure you that this game is wonderful in practically every manner. It's basically a platforming game in which you're a square that has to jump, fly, spin, and do all sorts of things until you reach the end of the level. Once you do reach the end, you are awarded with various currency and stuff. I would like to point out that this game (and the other GD games) are not for those looking for a simple game that they can play in ten minutes and be done with. It literally contains hours of gameplay worth of levels done by the creator and the community. It is a fantastic experience that all fans of this genre will love. I highly recommend it, especially if you enjoy some awesome music while you play! This game in particular includes:
- Incredible music (done by incredible artists)
- Unique and diverse levels done by Robtop himself and in this case, the community too
- Tons of icons that you can buy to play as
- Surprising, very cool art
While there's much more to explain, I'm not going to directly say everything because I don't really want to spoil too much. Just get the game. And if you had a blast with this, you might as well get the full version if you haven't already ;3

Could use more level’s

I’m very obsessed with geometry dash, and got this. I’ve had Geometry Dash Lite, Geometry Dash SubZero, and GeometryDashWorld, and I can tell by now that I’m very skilled at it. I love all the levels but I wish there was more! I’ve only had GeometryDashWorld for two days and I’m done with all the levels. Most of them were challenging, but still they are amazing! Enough to have my older sister (who also plays geo dash and is intermediate at it) gaze at me with confusion in her face just awing at the fact that i make it look so easy! Also, make them not too hard but harder? I hope you get what I’m saying. Anyway, all I’m asking is that you make more levels and make them harder but not too hard. I hope that’s not to hard to ask. BTW, I love this game make more free apps that way I can play more!


Literally the best game ever! The music is so cool and the game is so addictive. If you are reading this, download the game no cap it’s the best ever.

I’m pretty sure ads are a problems are most good apps. The ads aren’t that big of a problem on this game though. The game is the best and all those bad comments are wrong. The ads are no big deal.

The levels are short though. But I think that’s because if they were longer some people would be stuck forever cause they can’t complete it. Plus, they are really helpful as a beginner. (Not a beginner btw) I think the shorter levels are helpful. But if you want longer levels, go check out their other games; Geometry Dash Lite, Geometry Dash Meltdown, and Geometry Dash Subzero. And if you want a level editor where you can make your own levels (warning it costs money but ONLY two dollars so no biggy) go buy their Full Version of Geometry Dash.

So over all I think this is the best game I have. I’ve downloaded all their other versions I listed above. Except full version—I’m really debating whether it’ll be worth it. It probably will be. I’ll buy it after I finish righting this review. 🙂 Those versions are really good too. In the game you can earn or buy (not with real money) new characters and colors for your characters. I love the music it’s so cool and this game is the best—download it!!!!!!!!

Thx for reading! (Awesome job developers!!!!!) 😁

Is Geometry Dash World Safe? 🙏

Yes. Geometry Dash World is quiet safe to use but use with caution. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 59,120 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.5/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Geometry Dash World Is 31.1/100.

Is Geometry Dash World Legit? 💯

Yes. Geometry Dash World is legit, but not 100% legit to us. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 59,120 Geometry Dash World User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Geometry Dash World Is 47.8/100..

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