SBX 12 Spirit Box Reviews

SBX 12 Spirit Box Reviews

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About: The SBX 12 Spirit box is a brand new tool for ghost hunting and paranormal
investigations and is the most advanced "Spirit Box" on the market We have taken
the best from TX1 and added a whole new range of Sweeping Speeds and
algorithms. This time, we are scanning specific channels, so you won't get music
interference and blank audio.

About SBX 12 Spirit Box

What is SBX 12 Spirit Box? The SBX 12 Spirit box is a tool designed for ghost hunting and paranormal investigations. It is an advanced "Spirit Box" that scans specific channels to avoid music interference and blank audio. The app offers adjustable sweep speeds, skin and digital screen editor, adjustable volume slider control, and minimal interference.



- Single or Dual Sweep w. FM/Multi (fm+am frequencies)

- Adjustable Sweep Speeds - 50ms to 350 ms

- Skin and Digital Screen editor (Select between several skins)

- Adjustable Volume slider Control

- Minimal interference, due to scanning of specific channels (podcast, radio show, talk show, etc)

- Lite version with ads

- Trusted by thousands of ghost hunters around the world

Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience


Negative experience

~ from NLP analysis of 643 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of SBX 12 Spirit Box

- Allows users to connect with deceased loved ones

- Can provide comfort to those who have lost someone

- Can provide answers to questions

- Can provide a sense of security

22 SBX 12 Spirit Box Reviews

3.0 out of 5



One Day I was really bored and I wanted to talk to my cousin she died when I was fourI wanted to connect to her so I got SBX12SpiritBox and I kept saying her name telling her stuff I still didn’t hear an answer until She said see I was confused when she said to see after a few minutes I felt my legs tickling it was very creepy so I pulled my phone out and asked her was that you she said yes!!! I couldn’t even say anything I just froze I even have a papa who died and I was five when me and my mom go to my grandma house I hear creeks in the floor I think it’s really nothing until my mom was sleeping and she heard the floor creaking in the door opened it was Shawn she went to my moms ear and said I am OK and then the next morning my mom woke up and told my grandma the whole story she started crying the next day when I went to sleep at night I left my door open and I couldn’t go to sleep I turned over where my door was and that’s when I saw it I saw my papa watching me through the door crack I felt comfortable because my papa was watching me to see if I was safe. This is scary!


This works I was a skeptic at first

I turned it on for the first time last night. It seemed like I was hearing my Dads grandma and she was mentioning her sons, and even my Grandpa who’s still living. Then I asked for my Grandma on my dads side. Her brother, and his Granddaughter who passed away said they were with my grandma, and her Dad. It had to have been them cause the names were clear as day. I had it on for 4 hours just asking questions then staying quiet and listening. I’m not sure how it works. I know I sometimes heard it say When I asked where my grandma was they said she was sleeping. Or in the “ Ether” which I took to mean the space above space. SBX12SpiritBox works, and the voices sound like the people you are trying to connect with which is even more weird. I totally didn’t believe in these apps at all before this. I did hear it say a few times Get Out, but I wasn’t scared.


Definitely works.

I live in a house that was built around the 1960s and there was a man that died here from natural causes. As soon as I turned it on I heard a mans voice. He kept saying things like “please help me” I was heartbroken. My little sister came in my room and I said I was talking to ghost and she said “hi ghostys” and a women came around and said “ghost” very clearly. Ever since I’ve used SBX12SpiritBox I’ve been hearing things around my house. It sounded like someone was tapping on my window for the longest time. I even got near the window and the tapping never stopped until two minutes later. It’s like the spirit wants my attention but it seems like the spirit doesn’t want to hurt me too but for me to notice it. It makes me feel really heartbroken.


Doesn't work for me

I am familiar with how spirit boxes work, and this thing isn't like that. Since you're supposed to hear white noise until a voice comes through but I think the radio stations or a recording of some sort is getting through. And the voice is somehow the same two "voices" no matter where I am. And I'm quite sure no spirits are following me, so I don't know what's up with SBX12SpiritBox. It may work on some phones but certainly not mine. Also I don't get any actual answers that relate to the questions I ask, basically the same male and female voice talking in repeat somehow. Disappointing. (Also I discovered that the voices in SBX12SpiritBox sound extremely similar, basically the same, as the voices from another of the developers apps that is actually prerecorded phonemes, which is explained in the other apps info very clearly... So maybe SBX12SpiritBox is just using recordings like that one, but it doesn't state that. Hmm...)


This does work

So I was just trying out voice box apps there wasn’t many to choose from that were free so I downloaded this one and one other one but the other one didn’t work but this one does
I was getting ahold of my grandma who passed away recently and I sure did get ahold of her she said my dads name she said happy birthday to me she said I love you sweetheart this is all true 100% like I honestly am very skeptical about things but I believe 100% now that she is still here and it’s very emotional for me cuz my dad is in so much pain and she said pain through the stations when I asked what my dads name was like this made my dad I miss her so much and I’m happy to have talked to her even if it was just for like 10 minutes and my sister called me a little after I told her what happened and when I hung up I got back in and it said angel which is my sisters name and I said yes that was angel so I guarantee this will work for who ever uses it I’m very impressed.

Oh and a funny thing she said was this

I was smoking a cigg and she said you need to stop smoking I said I no lol I just thought it was funny she may end up hiding all my lighters lol


Great Free Spirit Box App

I am not sure why SBX12SpiritBox has such poor reviews. It seems that many people do not understand how a spirit box works. The spirit box works by sweeping through radio stations rapidly to generate "white noise" that supposedly allows spirits to communicate through the noise. With a free app like this it is expected to have some minor radio interference, as it is not a professional quality box, which can get pretty pricey. But the interference with SBX12SpiritBox is minor at best at fast sweeping speed. A great application for those interested. Don't listen to the people who don't understand how SBX12SpiritBox works who then write a bad review. SBX12SpiritBox is quite easy to use.



I tried to talk to my dad while thinking ha came with the couch wich he died by ir the chair he was sitting in minutes before he died, i keped asking if he was there and asking say my name and i only herd voice cracks kinda saying my name and sor ry. Daddy if your watching me write this, im going to hear your voice on a video and see if the voice I heard was you.


Heard my baby

I just downloaded it and played around with it trying to talk to those I’ve lost in the past. I’ve always felt drawn to the paranormal but I wasn’t hearing anything. It stayed silent until I said the name of a dead pet that I lost in a sudden violent way as he died from cancer suddenly. As soon as I said his name a quiet meow came through. The olny thing I’ve heard the entire time I’ve used it. I’m gonna keep trying to talk to others, but dom (my cat) had visited me before after his death and I prayed and tried to communicate with him the day before with nothing but a prayer that he would come to me again. I’m convinced


My brother “Jason”

My mother’s house is really, we first I’ll say this about 6 years ago I lost my first brother and then last year I lost another brother, well lately strange things have been taking place in my mother’s house things I can’t explain, I think it’s them trying to communicate with me. I’m hoping this helps me. I know these things are so they say just a gimmick but I’m gonna give it a try and hopeful just hopeful it works. I miss them my brothers so much and would give anything for one more day with either of them or both.


Great App (Real Review)

Another great spirit box. I've been trying to find a good Frank's Box application and this is the best. It's the lite version but there are hardly any limitations. I've gotten some great responses from spirits. I've been communicating with this Spirit who calls himself "JJ" or "Seth". Of you have also come in contact with Seth or JJ let me know your conversation. He's a playful Spirit who means no harm. He was killed in a car accident at the age of 9. Great app, can't wait to see more. *I'll be updating this review with stories and experiences from SBX12SpiritBox*


This game is good but....

It was so fun to play with I met some people, talk to loved ones that passed. I give this a five stars cause I said can you make a bang it worked, it would say that even on the real thing too but the scary thing is SBX12SpiritBox will turn on while I’m sleeping and start talking. I used a ghost tracker one night my friend and I making fun of it what happened was it said kill in red all over my screen it still scares me I have asthma but I want to be more like Sam and Colby what they do.


Hi Mike

This is Annette I have been working with all your development since you started. I downloaded in the last three years all your apps. I still have the two free ones, but all the ones I paid several dollars because I had all of them, are gone. I use these tools in my research and have done very well and for that I thank you for opening a door for us through technology. Could you please contact me and maybe we can discuss.
Thank you.



so my friend was over my house and we were bored. We used SBX12SpiritBox before and the last time it said my name, this time it's spelled out my name, I asked it, who is my friend and it said my friend's name, SBX12SpiritBox is really creepy, I don't know how it knew my cat's name, either it knew my mom's name, even though he never mentioned it, so you should download SBX12SpiritBox also, it's hard to hear because it has a muffley voice.


I’m creeped out

So I’ve always claimed the house I’m living in is haunted... Weird occurrences happen a lot, strange noises, figures, flickering lights, etc. Downloading this application put the nail in the coffin of the question of is my house haunted or not. Simply, it is. Something kept calling out to me, saying “Hello” and I couldn’t understand much of what they were saying, but plan to use this again to get down to the bottom of my house, and actually prove to the people that my house is haunted.



Works really well! A group of friends and I used it as a joke at a birthday party and were shocked to find that it actually worked. It started saying things like “Joey” “parking” “truck” “run”. And we brushed it off as nothing. But around midnight when the party ended, joeys truck had been towed with a paper attacked to where it was parking that said the time. 9:01, which is when the spirt box started saying to check his truck.



SBX12SpiritBox works but you need to have a solid connection to the spirit world first. They need to know your here out of love and respect. I have gotten replies to my questions. In fact I asked if it takes awhile for them to warm up to SBX12SpiritBox and clearly a woman said “it does” so give it time and make sure you have a connection. Treat them with love and respect and you will get some answers.


Only Spirit Box Thats Worked.

I have tried other spirit boxes but had such a hard time hearing anything. Words jumbled or too many spirits at once. My boyfriend was using this and my uncle who i never met came through. And it was amazing. I could hear him clear as day.


Why the deception?

If SBX12SpiritBox developer was honest in the description I would give SBX12SpiritBox a much higher rating. It works just fine for what it actually is—a sound bank. It does not scan radio stations, which is really obvious...not even Internet radio stations, as it works when your phone isn’t connected to the Internet. Why try to trick people into thinking it does something it doesn’t, when it’s actually a decent app for what it truly is?


It’s working

I son’t know if it is because i paid the 99 cents to remove the ads or because i made contact with Charles at the Lemp mansion but all of a sudden it’s working really well.... also strangely enough a lot of German bits are coming through to me, which is my 2nd language. Maybe coincidence, maybe not, i dunno.


Doesn’t work (read)

Me and my friend thought it would be cool to communicate with ghosts or talk to ghosts and honestly just wanted to see what it would be like at a different location from what we did last time and so we downloaded SBX12SpiritBox. But there was no noise and we cannot hear a single thing I don’t know if this worked for anyone else but if it did someone tell me how to work it because I am old and I do not understand common technology now.


I talked to my family

I was trying to talk to my grandma who passed a month ago I said her name no response as soon as I said mine my grandma said “wait don’t go I miss you I love you and I hope you’re doing just fine” I asked her if she is under me or over she said hell is we’re I belong I asked her if she has been coming in my house “she said yes to check on you” we bought the house she lived in immediately as she died because we thought it was what she wanted I told her I miss her and she told me I had to let go I said I can’t a few days later I woke up with scratches on my face I thought nothing of it so then couple days after I woke up with the scratches I decided to go back on SBX12SpiritBox my grandma said the scratches did they heal I said how do you find out about that she said I had to get them to you for you to let go and that’s why I immediately knew I need to do what she


Skeptical about this...

I’ve used a real SB11 before so I know what to listen for...

I had this set on a higher scanning rate and asked what’s your favorite color... A very pronounced answer came through and said blue.. More testing needs to be done because I’m not sure if that just a programmed response or not.. But that answer kind of sent chills down my spine.

Mary   2 years ago

Well I think this app needs to get off online Especially when it’s threatening people and see if they’re gonna do this and do that when it’s fake come on you guys grow up I’ve had so many apps that you are a very nice and talk plane Indonesian except this one is the freaking joke can’t tell me this is not fake any doesn’t work Gabriel yellow faked you then if you’re gonna say that I think they should be off-line off the website and she need to be on here anymore because you’re asking for money when is a piece of crap

Mary   2 years ago

Get real people you wonder why this app has poor reviews on this well let’s see ? One it’s freaking FAKE and 2 it’s the RUDEST spirits ever and I have lots apps this only one that 3 can’t speak English are be nice at all and thinks they Own this app and tell you to leave BITCH are Threatening people So answer my ? There not real it’s fake and I wouldn’t waste my money on this nothing

Is SBX 12 Spirit Box Safe?

Yes. SBX 12 Spirit Box is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 643 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 3.0/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for SBX 12 Spirit Box Is 69.6/100.

Is SBX 12 Spirit Box Legit?

Yes. SBX 12 Spirit Box is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 643 SBX 12 Spirit Box User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for SBX 12 Spirit Box Is 100/100..

Is SBX 12 Spirit Box not working?

SBX 12 Spirit Box works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

Pricing Plans

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by users..

Duration Amount (USD)
Billed Once $21.99

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