When I first opened Mirrorart , I thought it was neat - so much so, that I trusted Mirrorart and paid the $5.99 to remove ALL ads, receive all filters, etc.
That apparently is a bold face lie. I get an ad for “Color Doodle” EVERY time I open Mirrorart . I assume that “Color Doodle” will be replaced, in time, with other junk.
This is NOT acceptable for any developer- period. NOT FUNNY. Do you REALLY expect people to give you a good review after you lie?
Then - a further lesson in trusting this developer - I very soon found that navigation stinks - no instructions- no ANYTHING. The basics, like where are the saved images, are MISSING. They’re not in my photo file, they’re not in Mirrorart - ????
Credit where credit is due - your filters are great! But - you can only apparently only apply the filter to one half of the image!
Yes, yes, I get the **** idea - it’s a mirror image, but why do you assume that a user doesn’t want to apply the filter to the ENTIRE image.
Making every image a stupid “before and after” show of your filters is really, really short-sighted.
There’s more, but the above is sufficient for now. You have a potentially very nice program. GET IT TOGETHER