Our programs are specific for In season or Off season training, vary based on the number of strength days/week, and allow users to customize muscle groups and/or exercises each workout.
Each movement has a video demonstrations workouts are guided by timers and round counters.
Stretching workouts designed to improve flexibility across the entire body with video demonstrations of each movement.
Based on your specific body type, age, gender, and goals, ATAC puts your plan together in milliseconds.
Recommended heat recovery and other recovery activities guided by timers.
Agility workouts to help you gain body awareness and improve foot speed.
All workouts guided by timers.
Guided breathing exercises to help keep you in the right state of mind.
What’s more, ATAC spells out the exact nutrients for each food at exact portion sizes, so there’s literally no guesswork.
Users are prompted to reflect on specific experiences to keep them focused on improving.
Sports-specific visualizations guided by timers.
Each practice uses timers, and round counters to guide you through.
Users are prompted to set short-term goals based on previous reflections.
You will be guided to identify both the positive and negative experiences to promote future growth.