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File Manager App ne fonctionne plus

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File Manager is the ultimate app to organize and view all your files on your
iPhone or iPad. It is like the Windows Explorer on your PC or the Finder on your

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  Contacter directement pour l'assistance

Nous comprenons que certains problèmes sont tout simplement trop difficiles à résoudre grâce à des didacticiels en ligne et à l'auto-assistance. C'est pourquoi nous avons facilité la prise de contact avec l'équipe d'assistance de Zuhanden GmbH, les développeurs de File Manager App.

57.14% Correspondance des contacts

Developer: File Manager Plus

Courriel: [email protected]

WebSite: Visiter le site Web de File Manager App

About this app

File Manager is the ultimate app to organize and view all your files on your iPhone or iPad.  File Manager has a robust viewer for documents such as PDF files or MS Office documents.  You can download File Manager for the iPhone and the iPad paying once only.  You can download your files from your computer using iTunes or import them from Dropbox.  The app combines traditional file browsing with a truly touch enabled interface.  Getting your documents onto your iPhone or iPad is really easy.  You can also open files directly from E-mail or other apps.  File Manager is a universal app.  The intuitive user interface is amazing and makes organizing your content just a breeze.  You can also view images, play your mp3s or watch videos with the in-built players.  Always have your important files with you.  It is like the Windows Explorer on your PC or the Finder on your Mac.  Always have your important files at your fingertips. 

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