With the Heinemann app, you have all our benefits and services at your fingertips: direct access to exclusive products in the Heinemann online store, the status of your orders, and all Heinemann & Me benefits at a glance.
Do you know our Heinemann & Me customer program? As a member, you always have your membership card and current coupons with you in the app, you can keep a close eye on your loyalty points at all times, and you are always informed about exclusive promotions.
By activating geo services, we show you all the benefits related to your current location: so you can benefit from exclusive partner advantages at airports.
Take part in competitions, get pre-access to exclusive products, receive great gifts or simply be inspired by exceptional cocktail recipes and valuable beauty tips.
We offer you selected products that you can only get from us, so-called Heinemann Exclusives or Travel Exclusives - products in "travel size" that are your perfect companion on the road.
This way, you can easily benefit from your Heinemann & Me advantages and the services of our partners at various airports wherever you are.
And best of all, you can order your products up to 6 months before departure and have them conveniently delivered to your home or to the pick-up service at the airport.
On top of that, the app offers great inspiration on current promotions and campaigns.
You'll then have the option to add the item directly to your online shopping cart, and you can order it at your convenience during your trip - perfect for when you are in a hurry.
Activate our push notifications and geo services and you're guaranteed not to miss any benefits.
In addition, you will be the first to learn about great promotions from our suppliers and partners in the app.
This way, you are always well informed and receive all top promotions and offers directly on your smartphone.
High-quality cosmetics, selected spirits, first-class wines and much more are available in our webshop.
Be inspired by our exclusive campaigns.