Lucidity - Lucid Dreaming

Lucidity - Lucid Dreaming Logiciel

Nom de la société:

À propos: With VR and Neuroscience we built a fully-immersive experience. In a Dream. Wear LucidCatcher - and
get into Lucid Dream. On Demand.
Siège social: San Francisco, California, United States.

Lucidity Présentation

Why sleep through your dreams when you can consciously control them? Lucid Dreaming allows you to live a new life of your choice - no rules, no physics, no limitations! Unlock the pure power of your mind every night.

Captures d'écran officielles


Détails du produit et description de

Explore a life of endless possibilities! The average person sleeps about 8 hours a night. Why sleep through your dreams when you can consciously control them? Lucid Dreaming allows you to live a new life of your choice - no rules, no physics, no limitations! Unlock the pure power of your mind every night. If you can think it, you can dream it! A lucid dream is when you realize that you are dreaming, giving you a level of consciousness that allows you to interact with the dream world and do whatever you can think of! Features: - Simple, iOS 11 inspired user interface for easy use - Dream journal to increase dream recall and in turn inducing many lucid dreams! Also fun to read after some time when you end up forgetting them! - Dream Journal Lock (Passcode & Touch iD) - Reality Check Reminders to remind you throughout the day to check if you are awake! These notifications will end up reminding you to do a reality check in your dreams! - Many of the most common induction techniques always ready to be read & cited whenever you see fit! - Frequently asked question section for beginners - Guides to wake up in your REM sleep periods for the most vivid lucid dreams! - Links to helpful websites with great community forums! - Video guides created by HowToLucid! - FILD/WILD/WBTB/DEILD Alarm that automatically shuts itself off, which enables you to be woken up but not have to move! This makes the transition from waking state to dream world much more seamless & effortless

Haut Avis

Par Edgar Zlx

Très bonne application

Elle est très pertinente est bien faite, dommage qu’elle soit que en anglais pour les personnes non anglophone

Par rjalfjalfijgjamfijc


Sur l’app store ils disent que l’application est disponible en anglais mais une fois dans l’application il est impossible de changer la langue, sinon une très bonne application

Par itbemebitchez:)

deleted all my dreams

it was going great until one day it just randomly deletes all the dreams that i’ve written down , im really annoyed because i like to look back on my dreams and now some are gone forever, im disappointed with the reliability of this app

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