I’ve been using АудиокнигиСлушайвLoudbook for years, and while I really enjoy it, I noticed that over the years didn’t change or improve much: same old, basic app without too many options.
Some features, ideas that would like too see:
1. Some books that were available long time ago, are no longer available. For example, they had some books by Dashkova and Dontsova, now the search turns nothing from these authors. This means that АудиокнигиСлушайвLoudbook is “deleting” older books in order to add new ones.
2. The preview- would like to be a little longer, maybe 5-10 minutes. From the previews given now, it is really hard to judge about a book
3. Would like the possibility to write and read reviews about a book
4. Definitely АудиокнигиСлушайвLoudbook needs the ability to add/ make a Favorite list. I have so many books that I would like to purchase later, but by the time I finish a book, I already forget about the old ones that I also wanted to read, or just lost them. A Favorites list would definitely help!