Do not I repeat do not waste your time.
First, half of the offers never work and they make it really hard to get rewarded when you don’t get paid out correctly.
Second, you will not get good offers no matter where you are from it seems 1% of the users actually get good offers (taken from people sharing their offers in disc)
Third, the skins are way overpriced in the sense of coins to usd
Fourth, you will never win a raffle the winners are bot accounts and the SkinApe team tells you “you can look at their steam profile” but every raffle won is a lvl 2 acc with little to no time on csgo and or private lvl 2 accounts with a Russian name that are really hard to find or verify if it’s real but they are all fake (they say it’s probably fair but it’s just a list that they curate)
Fifth, just save your money and buy a knife if that is your goal do not give these scummy ad farmers your time it is no where near worth it unless this is the ONLY option