I think AnimeXWallpapers is great, and I really like it, but lately I’ve been thinking about things that AnimeXWallpapers should probably improve. One of the things that I think AnimeXWallpapers could improve, is the fact that you don’t have a search bar. I think adding a search bar to AnimeXWallpapers would not only give you more stars, but make it so much easier to find the wallpapers you like. And I’m not trying to speak for everyone, but it does get pretty boring scrolling through everything trying to find one really good photo for your lock and/or home screen. This would make life so much easier. Another thing that I think you guys could add, Is more photos of less aggressive boys. This would Improve a lot. Or certainly in my opinion. I just feel like we’re not getting enough kind or sad ‘ish’ school boys. Or regular anime ones. And please, please, put in some more half-breeds! Boy or girl? Let the people vote. And back to the search bar, let’s say somebody did want some school boy home/ lock screen and didn’t want to scroll all the way down? They’d just have to go to search, search up whatever they might want (who am I to judge?) and boom, there are a few options for you! Keep in mind, these are just suggestions, but could change a lot.
Sabrina .C Zemel