Okie,, first thing not everyone looks like that when there old, you have the awkward stage that MAKES you look so DIFFERENT, then growth spirits, and other -m- all WhatWillILookLikeOldFace dose is add wrinkles to your face i mean bruh -_- o and this is really rude to old ppl, bc not every old person looks old, o and way to go ppl that bout this, its and identity crisis, and WhatWillILookLikeOldFace puts a grins too the face :) take a picture of what it thinks you will look like :) then keep it till your older -_- i bet thats not how you will look, this is an horrible:). Oo and ya I HATE IT, :) i didnt use WhatWillILookLikeOldFace - i saw it - i was like bruh that wont work - and i rated it - now you all caught up - WhatWillILookLikeOldFace is garbage 🗑-_-