It provides in-depth review of your activities, search, analysis, plot and see basic statistics on all your data collected in garmin connect or strava from your iphone or ipad.
- In case of initial connection trouble or issue, please check the support web site, the help or send me a bug report.
* Garmin: you can choose the connectstats service, which will pop up a login message or to download from the website in which case you will have to enter your user name and password.
Connect Stats is an activity viewer for Garmin Connect or Strava.
Also for Garmin activities from Garmin there will be an initial synchronisation that can take some time before the activities are ready.
- Support multiple garmin connect account simultaneously with multiple profiles.
Check the web site and the blog for a lot more details on how to use it and what the different screen and graph mean.
- You can touch a graph or the gear button to rotate through the different graphs options or bring in the graph full screen.
- Note that the initial download process can be slow if you have a lot of activities.
- you can then download activities by pulling down on the activity list.
- If you have issue connecting check the trouble shooting section on the web page.
Zones are downloaded from garmin connect.
* Strava: upon first refresh, the strava login page will popup.
- Display scatter plots, trend lines for both historical and track data.