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Publié par on 2023-11-17

FREE Download Recovery Today Magazine is a magazine of hope. We're leading a
movement that is transforming lives from those bound by substance abuse to
living happy, successful, sober and drug free lives.

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Nous comprenons que certains problèmes sont tout simplement trop difficiles à résoudre grâce à des didacticiels en ligne et à l'auto-assistance. C'est pourquoi nous avons facilité la prise de contact avec l'équipe d'assistance de SOBA Living, LLC, les développeurs de Recovery Today.

100% Correspondance des contacts

Developer: DailyReflections

Courriel: [email protected]

WebSite: Visiter le site Web de Recovery Today

74.07% Correspondance des contacts

Developer: Recovery Record

Courriel: [email protected]

WebSite: Visiter le site Web de Recovery Record

About this app

If you're life is not how you want it, you can make it better, you can connect with others that have done this already and want to help you. *ENDING THE ADDICTION STIGMA - whether you've come to us because you need help for yourself or for someone you love, remember you (or they) are not a bad person. They're just sick. *CODEPENDENCY – you love and / are living with someone in addiction, we understand, we'll share insights to allow to reframe your world and free you from the bondage you've put yourself in. *SUCCESS STORIES - we spotlight others who have broken through and are now leading lives they never thought possible before.  This is the first magazine that delves deep into the world of addiction to provide a clearly heard message by all that you are not alone, you are not to blame, do not be ashamed, many others like you have gone from the depths of despair to lives only a short time ago they couldn't even imagine could be as good as they are.  Recovery Today Magazine is perfect whether you are new to addiction recovery, failed many times in the past or have been sober for many years, you will find something here to help you.  We feature everyone from the top experts, world wide in the fields of addiction, recovery mental health and spirituality to assist our readers in moving forward with their lives.  Although it is a serious, often life or death situation, laughter is the best best medicine and can immediately relieve stress. *HELP – we provide access to all our authors as well as 24 hour a day, 7 days per week live phone support for any questions you may have about yourself or someone you love.  We also provide access to 24 hour / 7 day a week live answer help for addiction related questions.  We provide exclusive audio and video interviews and content within the magazine, as well as direct access to our contributing authors, their published works, social media pages and videos.  We're leading a movement that is transforming lives from those bound by substance abuse to living happy, successful, sober and drug free lives.  At Recovery Today, we want to encourage you, to support you and inspire you with the thought that today is not your story but only one chapter.  They want to pay it forward, they want to inspire you. *HUMOR – addiction is about mental health.  We are the ultimate resource for those looking to be free of addiction once and for all and to peruse a life they know they were intended to have.  New to addiction recovery?  Recovery Today Magazine is a magazine of hope.  Wherever you are, Recovery Today can help you.  Recovery Today was specifically designed to be accessed with your Apple device.  You've been sober now for many years? 

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