Nom de la société: SparkNotes LLC
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Developer: Labiq Sharim
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par Thepope1998
The app does not load and the screen just stays black since the iOS 8 update. Sparknotes used to be a good app for iOS 7 functionality wise. However, it hasn't been updated since the iPhone 4S (small screen, two black bar on top and bottom on iPhone 5), and of course the interface is oudated...
There is great potential to refresh Sparknotes to help us students and others with complicated texts, like Hamlet in my case. Please do an overhawl of design, and bring the whole thing to date Sparknotes team please!
par Shadeswalker
Very useful, and i was quite surprised it was free!
par Djxiuxshvd
Great app, very useful. The best part is that it is FREE !!
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