Web, web email, portal, and collaboration site access are supported, including Microsoft Outlook Web Access (OWA), Defense Travel Systems (DTS), and SharePoint, for example, U.S. Military AKO, NKO, and AF Portals.
Sub Rosa is the only mobile browser available that allows you to access Defense Travel Systems (DTS), and sign/encrypt/decrypt email through Outlook Web Access (OWA).
Sub Rosa supports industry and U.S. Government standards including ISO 7816, NIST IR 6887, HSPD-12, OMB-11-11, FIPS 140-2, and FIPS 201 (with an approved reader).
Thursby is the market leader in secure Apple Department of Defense (DoD), government, and highly regulated enterprise integration, delivering the security features absent in native Apple and generic enterprise tools.
The U.S. engineered Sub Rosa secure web browser supports web site access from an iPad or iPhone with strong, two-factor authentication using a CAC or PIV.