Nom de la société: Sincerely Inc.
À propos: SF Motors develops autonomous electric vehicle technologies.
Siège social: Santa Clara, California, United States.
Les options de contact suivantes sont disponibles: Informations sur les tarifs, assistance, aide générale et rapports d'informations / de presse (pour accéder à la réputation). Découvrez les options les plus rapides pour résoudre vos problèmes de service client.
NOTE: If the links below doesn't work for you, Please go directly to the Homepage of Sincerely Inc.
Courriel de contact:
WebSite: 🌍 Visiter le site Web de Postagram
Politique de confidentialité:
Developer: Sincerely
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par Sylvainapple
The app itself is great and easy to use... but having used it for a month now with 18 orders I am very disappointed by the delay it takes for postcards to be printed and posted. Average is 4 to 5 days between submitting an order and seeing it being posted (please note that I am NOT talking here about US Postal delay but about Postagram printing delay). Issue is that when you actually place your order the app only warns you about a 4 days delay for US Postal handling but doesn't warn you about these extra 4 to 5 days for Postagram to process the order.
For most people it might be ok, but for me it wasn't : I used that app to keep in touch with my children in a summer camp... during one full week they didn't receive any news from me and eventually they only received half of my postcards, the second half arrived when they already left :-( !
par Vmsts78
L application Macarteamoi de La Poste est bien mieux; rien à imprimer ; la carte est postée directement et on peut l'utiliser depuis l'étranger
Crash on startup. Crash au démarrage. 0/20.