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Problèmes courants de l'application TIKTING et comment les résoudre. Guide de dépannage

Guide complet pour dépanner l'application TIKTING sur les appareils iOS et Android. Résolvez tous les problèmes, erreurs, problèmes de connexion, problèmes d'installation et plantages de l'application TIKTING.

Table des Contenu:

  1. Problèmes et solutions TIKTING iPhone

  2. Problèmes et solutions de l'application TIKTING Android

  Contacter directement pour l'assistance

Nous comprenons que certains problèmes sont tout simplement trop difficiles à résoudre grâce à des didacticiels en ligne et à l'auto-assistance. C'est pourquoi nous avons facilité la prise de contact avec l'équipe d'assistance de Farhat Zohra, les développeurs de TIKTING.

About this app

Every ticket holds worklogs that can be easily automatically / manually recorded and the Ticket History provides a forensic report of all the events that ever happened to a conversation, tasks or any other status change.  TIKTING offers a complete solution to change management that streamlines CAB (Change Advisory Board) collaboration and controls the entire lifecycle of all changes to mitigate IT risks.  Easy to use and intuitive interface makes it a pleasure to configure the software, from scheduling holidays, mail templates, priorities, notifications all in one place.  Individual tickets can have multiple conversations, assignable tasks, work-logs, notes, attachments.  The first and the foremost challenge of any organisation is to track a conversation with all of its related incidents, correspondence, tasks and agreements.  Several escalation levels are provided to match any company’s hierarchical structure so the higher management can focus on top tier incidents.  Configure change types, roles, statuses and templates to manage your change cycle easily.  Tickets can be configured to have different escalation levels, priorities and several other properties.  TIKTING displays summary to every nitty-gritty details of a ticket in a sophisticated view.  The dashboard presents the summary of open, unassigned, and SLA violated tickets in graphical view.  Individual Tickets can have assignable tasks to efficiently break down a complicated job.  It fetches all the users and provides a sophisticated view to make them registered support staff or support manager.  Configure multiple SLAs to timely resolve the tickets.  TIKTING® is the best Helpdesk and Change Management System by ITDEVTECH Inc.  Log changes from incidents and problems and track them at every step of the cycle.  The main benefit of this module is to standardize methods & processes to enable efficient handling of all requested changes.