Publié par on 2024-10-19

🏷️ À propos: The most important features from application are: • Access based on fingerprint or facial recognition • Transfers to national beneficiaries • Transfers between own accounts • Exchange rate • Transactions History Use the benefits of mobile banking services. In addition, you can use the YOU BRD application for the authentication to the internet banking service.


Expérience client globale 😎

🤬 Négatif

🫥 Neutre

😎 Positif

~ à partir de NLP'analyse de 623 revues de logiciels combinées.

Lire 6 Service client avis 😠💢

4.8 out of 5
Application not reliable

During September and October 2022, the access was really very bad. I could use it maximum 3 times and afterwards My Token has been expired. They have put a 6 factors Authentication in order to connect. So I had to do it 10 times by week (personal personal photo, I’d card, email, etc) so that I could connect to my account and do my payments… the digital policy of this group is really incoherent with the customers needs. Instead of a 6-factors authentication, they should improve they safety of their system against hacking methods and avoid the customer punishment by such a heavy and bureaucratic access to their system !!!

Payment only with a phone

It is not normal to have the obligation to do a payment with a phone (little screen) because it is not possible on the web application (with a 27 inch monitor) !!!!!

Conclusion : your system is very obsolete.

O mizerie

O fk mizerie care cade cand ai urgenta nevoie de o tranzactie sau e indisponibila cand ti-e lumea mai draga. Nici suportul nu e amabil si nici profesionist. BRD o banca de ocolit, mutati va conturile la ING sau orice banca serioasa care isi RESPECTA clientii.

Aplicație dificila

Aceasta aplicație nu poate fi utilizată decât pe mobil. Eroare imensa ca s-a schimbat aplicația MyBRD! Cred ca voi schimba banca din aceasta cauza

Absenta de dovada a realizarii unei plati

Aplicatia este destul de buna, dar lipsesc niste functionalitati, prin care se poate dovedi ca o operatiune a fost facuta la o anumita ora si care este statul acestei operatiuni, adica, procesata, sau in curs de procesare.
Cu stima,
Anamaria Quash

Est YOU BRD Sûr? 🙏

Non YOU BRD ne nous semble pas très sûr. Ceci est basé sur notre analyse NLP (Traitement du langage naturel) de plus de 623 avis d'utilisateurs provenant de l'Appstore et la note cumulative de l"Aappstore de 4.8/5 . Score de sécurité Justuseapp pour YOU BRD Est 15.5/100.

Est YOU BRD Légitime? 💯

Non YOU BRD ne semble pas légitime d'après notre analyse. Cette conclusion a été obtenue en passant 623 YOU BRD avis d'utilisateurs via notre processus d'apprentissage automatique NLP pour déterminer si les utilisateurs croient que l'application est légitime ou non. Sur cette base, Justuseapp Score de légitimité pour YOU BRD Est 90.8/100..

Quelle a été votre expérience avec YOU BRD ? Poster un avis


In addition, you can use the YOU BRD application for the authentication to the internet banking service.

  Contacter le support
BRD Groupe Societe Generale S.A.

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