Woebot exchanges millions of messages every week to help users with everyday stress and anxiety, as well as symptoms of depression, relationship problems, procrastination, loneliness, grief, addiction, pain management, and more.
In a clinical trial involving 400 participants, Woebot users showed a 32% reduction in depression and a 38% reduction in anxiety after just four weeks.
Woebot checks in with you every day and guides you through practical techniques based on tried and tested approaches such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Mindfulness, and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT).
There’s no need to struggle alone, Woebot is there for you 24/7 whether you’re looking for guidance, growth, or just a chat, you’ve got an expert in your pocket whenever you need it.
Woebot is your very own coach who chats with you and offers insights and skills to help you grow into your best self.
Woebot was built on a foundation of clinical evidence, and studies show that it works.
Alison Darcy, Woebot has demonstrated efficacy in published randomized controlled trials.
And as you chat, you’ll help others, too! Your experiences and conversations help us develop new treatments and resources, all while staying completely private and secure.
Meet Woebot! Your coach for life’s ups and downs.
“By stepping back and acknowledging the skewed lens through which I had been viewing my world, the days spent under a dark cloud grew fewer.
You can chat with Woebot as much or as little as you like, whenever you like.
“I am not “healed” from anxiety, but I now can live my life not being controlled by it.
Born out of research led by clinical research psychologist Dr.