With members in over 130 countries and more 5-star Trustpilot reviews than any other house and pet sitting platform, TrustedHousesitters is the largest, most trusted pet care community of its kind.
Find a free verified and reviewed pet sitter from our pet-loving community, or stay free in pet owners' homes worldwide.
Unlimited pet & home care from verified and reviewed sitters you can trust, at no extra cost.
We’ve connected thousands of pet owners with verified and reviewed sitters, all through their mutual love of animals.
Explore thousands of worldwide house sitting opportunities caring for adorable pets in locations you’ll love.
Pet owners can finally travel with true peace of mind knowing their pets are safe and happy at home whenever they’re away, without the need for expensive and disruptive kennels.
Free 24/7 phone, chat or video calls with vets, available for you and your sitter whilst on a sit.
While sitters can enjoy unlimited worldwide house sits, receiving a warm, fuzzy welcome wherever they go.
Free 24/7 phone, chat or video calls with vets when pet sitting.
Extra peace of mind with our accident & third party liability protection and sit cancellation insurance.
Download the award-winning app today and enjoy exclusive app-only features including extra search filters, alerts and more.
TrustedHousesitters is a global community of pet lovers on a mission to deliver pet care based on trust, not money.
Apply for unlimited house and pet sitting opportunities in over 130 countries worldwide.
Extra peace of mind with a money-back guarantee and sit cancellation insurance.