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  Contacter directement pour l'assistance

Nous comprenons que certains problèmes sont tout simplement trop difficiles à résoudre grâce à des didacticiels en ligne et à l'auto-assistance. C'est pourquoi nous avons facilité la prise de contact avec l'équipe d'assistance de Chaney Instruments, les développeurs de My AcuRite.

About this app

In addition, My AcuRite can help you avoid costly damage by sending you a timely freeze alarm for frozen pipes, a leak detection alert, humidity or temperature alert, high wind alert, inform you of excessive rainfall, and other notifications.  This is because it’s a full-functioned iPhone thermometer app, plus it harnesses AcuRite’s array of environmental sensors to deliver reliable indoor readings, precision weather measurements taken right in your back yard, and dependable weather forecasts.  My AcuRite acts as your personal smart home assistant, helping you ensure safe and comfortable indoor conditions for your family and pets, while protecting and preserving the structure of your house and your possessions.  The potential uses for My AcuRite’s weather alert app are practically limitless. • Low indoor humidity alert (potential for damage to musical instruments, collectables, etc.  My AcuRite is also your go-to weather alert app - notifying you when conditions need attention.  My AcuRite lets you know exactly what’s going on right outside your door, enjoy dependable forecasts, analyze data, and participate in weather communities.  With My AcuRite smart home systems for environmental monitoring, you can stay connected to your surrounding environment, and keep tabs on all the places that matter, in and around your home.  Grant access of current conditions and weather alerts to people who matter to you.  My AcuRite’s environmental monitoring platform is an integral part of any smart home technology and smart home device arsenal.  This is because knowing and acting upon key conditions like humidity and temperature can empower you to make a positive difference in your home’s comfort and overall healthfulness.  Create email and phone alerts to know when conditions exceed your desired range and may require your attention.  My Acurite is also the best weather app for iPhone.  Talk on the phone, or chat online with a real person who’s there to help.  Better than an iPhone thermometer app.  Get notified of changes in your home and outdoor environments.  Or access AcuRite’s extensive knowledge base, and participate in our community forum.