Each pill is a guided meditation voiced by Brian Colbert, a leading expert in NLP, and psychoacoustic director of Digipill.
Digipill uses a unique combination of psychoacoustics and NLP to help you to unlock your subconscious in order to change your mood, perception, or even your behaviour.
Purchase a repeat prescription to instantly get access to all pills (both current and future) without having to buy each pill individually.
• The relaxation pill, 'T-Break' comes pre-loaded so you can see real results in less than 20 minutes.
Download a pill, remove all distractions, sit back with some headphones, and listen.
Digipill is the #1 Health & Fitness App around the World.
When you are ready to try more pills, you can purchase them from the Pharmacy inside the app.
There are 21 to download right now, and we're adding more soon.