
MetService Software


Über: MetService is a weather forecasting official website and get a information about weather accurately.
Hauptsitz: Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand.

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Produkt einzelheiten und Beschreibung von

diese App NZ Weather Features include: - Morning, afternoon, evening and overnight icons for 47 forecast areas, set by our meteorologists, to help you plan your day - Automatically see the forecast and observations that are most relevant to you, by enabling location services or choosing your suburb, town or city - Customise your weather dashboard and the order of forecast modules - 48 hour forecast graphs - Interactive national temperature map - Severe Weather Warnings and Watches for your location - diese App TV updates for your region - Real-time, zoomable Rain Radar for your area, with quick link - 3 day, zoomable Rain Forecast maps - Live Traffic Cameras for urban locations - Widget available Full terms and conditions regarding the purchase and use of diese App mobile applications are available here: www.diese

Oben Erfahrungen und Bewertung

durch manooouuuu

Video Ads

The app was quite good, but the recent version uses your data to download and play video advertisements.

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