The application combines the classic project approach based on Gantt charts and project management through workflow diagrams.
As a rule, Gantt charts are ideal for presenting project schedules, but they are not so convenient for reflecting the complex structure of the relationship between processes, goals and resources.
More formally, the program allows you to build a customized, based on the BPMN notation, PERT diagram of the project (with events and processes at nodes).
The original technique allows you to break down project objectives into smaller goals, processes and resources, but not get lost in the details, but always see the overall structure of the project as a whole.
This application offers a unique approach to project management, which represents your project not just as a plan, but as a coordinated mechanism moving towards the goal.
• Building the diagram of processes and resources of the project (PERT network diagram of the project, based on BPMN notation).
• Checklists for diagrams — monitor the sequence of actions for project management step by step.
• inReview: publications of user diagrams surveys by experienced project managers, indicating successful findings and weaknesses in the diagrams.
So, inShort is a powerful project and business process management tool, which can be applied not only in office but also for personal purposes.
After all, project management is not a mechanical observance of the plan, but the achievement of project goals, which should not be overlooked.
• Displaying the list of project tasks in the form of a Gantt chart.
• Project management according to the methodology of the Theory of Constraints.
Then this description of the project is used to generate a Gantt chart and track the progress of the project.
inShort Pro — application version for experienced and advanced users, contains advanced and service functions useful for in-depth work with diagrams.