Carnets - Jupyter (with scipy) Erfahrungen und Bewertung

Carnets - Jupyter (with scipy) Erfahrungen und Bewertung

Veröffentlicht von on 2024-03-10

Über: Jupyter notebooks are a powerful tool used in education and research. You can
write small snippets of Python code and observe the result on screen, combine
with paragraphs of text, using Markdown.

Über Carnets

Partial list of installed packages: astropy, babel, bokeh, cartopy, cryptography, cvxopt, Fiona, geopandas, geopy, gym, inequality, libpysal, lxml, mapclassify, matplotlib, networkx, nltk, numpy, openCV, pandas, parso, pillow, pyFFTW, pyproj, qutip, rasterio, regex, Rtree, scikit-learn, scipy, seaborn, segregation, shapely, soupsieve, spopt, statsmodels, sympy, wordcloud.

Of course, all the packages included with the standard app are present too: numpy, simply, matplotlib... To see the full list of installed packages, type "%pip list" in a code window.

Compared to the standard version (Carnets), this app adds several packages targeted for scientific computation and learning: scipy, sklearn, seaborn and coremltools.

You can write small snippets of Python code and observe the result on screen, combine with paragraphs of text, using Markdown.

You can switch between standard notebooks and the more modern jupyterlab using the Settings app.

You can add more packages using "%pip install packageName", but only if they are pure Python.

Everything runs on your device, using the embedded Python interpreter; you do not need an internet connection.

You can share your notebooks with other apps and also open notebooks or directories managed by other apps.

Carnets provides a complete, stand-alone, implementation of Jupyter notebooks.

Jupyter notebooks are a powerful tool used in education and research.


Gesamtbewertung der Benutzerzufriedenheit




~ aus NLP-Analyse von 55 software bewertungen.

478 Carnets Erfahrungen und Bewertung

4.9 out of 5


Sehr empfehlenswerte und tolle App 🙏🙇🏻‍♂️

Herzlichen Dank für dieses großartige Stück Software. Da ich hier nichts bezahlen muss spende ich jetzt einfach mal 30€ an den WWF.
Danke! 🙇🏻‍♂️



Die beste App für ios



Carnets ist einfach nur genial.


Great App

I have been using this app to learn Python as a hobby. It really works very well. The developer, Mr. Holzschu, is very responsive to any questions. Usually within a few hours you get a reply to any question you contact him with! I can really recommend it!

Update: The app continues to be GREAT, and Mr. Holzschu continues to be VERY responsive to any questions. for anybody who wants to use Python on the iPad, this is THE app to use!


Data science on iPad is getting real

This app runs a local Jupyter server and has many of the standard Python data science tools preinstalled. The iPad thus becomes a powerful research tool that does not require cloud, remote CPUs and so on.

* Development is on github (project diese App)
* Perfect privacy (no phoning home)
* Excellent UI
* Powerful functionality with good performance (Numpy matrix performance is about 50% slower than 4-core intel desktops, due to the fact that Numpy isn’t optimized for M1 yet, everything else is just *fast*)

This is the kind of applications that put the iPad into a new realm of actual usefulness for research.


I am impressed

I just installed Jupyter on Windows and started my first humble attempts. Now I have seen and installed this app and so far I have been able to transfer everything 1:1 to the iPad. Worked very well. I am impressed.


Auto complete not working

The app is awesome but auto complete seems not working on my iPad. Any suggestions?


Awesome app but doesn‘t work anymore

Since some time both diese App apps dont work anymore on my phone. Maybe its to old? its a first gen iPhone SE but still. Whenever i try to open a file i get a completely grey screen and nothing happens.



Normally i don‘t review Apps but this App deserves to be reviewed. It‘s just a complete Changer for me. By far one of the best pythoncompilers and the best app for datascience on mobile decices


Very usefull tool!

..if only there was an option to export manupulated data files..



I can’t state enough how hyped I’m about this.


It really works

Thanks for your endeavors


Great App!

This is a really great app for Data Scientists!
And please add the spaCy library for full NLP support 🙂



I’ve never written a review for an app, but this is great. I learned to code for my MEng and always hated how weird using Jupyter in a browser window was. This app offers the same exact functionality in a much more convenient package. This is truly awesome and I am very grateful. This must have taken a ton of effort and it’s one of the few apps that I’d actually be ready to pay for. I hope this helps.


Perfekt für Jupyter Notebooks

Super App zum Arbeiten in vollwertigen Notebooks, lediglich an der Stabilität des Python Kernels könnte noch etwas gearbeitet werden.


tolle app



Thank you thank you thank you

Finally we can work directly on the iPad and don’t have to ssh so where else to code (well we all do it regardless) it’s amazing to have those essentials directly on the iPad now.
Wish list still is miles long but I guess not many people want Fortran on iPad haha


Geniale App

Super App für alle, die etwas Datenanalyse auf dem iPad betreiben wollen.


Super App

Tausend Dank für diese tolle App, es macht riesigen Spaß damit zu arbeiten. Tolle Arbeit! Super!


Perfect app

Just found out how to open other folders, the best app! Works perfectly so far. I can now really use iPad as my only pc


Great App with some limitations

I use this app on my iPad Pro 11” (M1). It works good. But some libraries can not be installed. How can I share screenshots of the errors with you?


Super nützlich mit kleinen Macken

Carnets ist super cool und erlaubt es für geübte Python/Scipy/Jupyter Nutzer auch komplexe Dinge schnell auch mal unterwegs umzusetzen.
Beim IPhone15 wird allerdings nur im Leerlauf/Code editieren das Gerät schon so heiß, das es kaum noch zu benutzen ist.

Ist Carnets sicher?

Ja. Carnets - Jupyter (with scipy) ist ruhig sicher zu verwenden, aber mit Vorsicht zu verwenden. Dies basiert auf unserer NLP-Analyse (Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache) von über 55 Benutzerbewertungen aus dem Appstore und der kumulativen Bewertung des Appstores von 4.9/5 . Justuseapp Sicherheit sergebnis für Carnets Ist 33.5/100.

Ist Carnets Legitime?

Ja. Carnets - Jupyter (with scipy) is legit, but not 100% legit to us. Zu dieser Schlussfolgerung wurde gelangt, indem 55 Carnets - Jupyter (with scipy) Benutzerbewertungen durch unseren maschinellen NLP-Lernprozess geleitet wurden, um festzustellen, ob Benutzer glauben, dass die App legitim ist oder nicht. Basierend darauf beträgt, Justuseapp Legitimitäts Wertung für Carnets Ist 56.7/100..

Ist Carnets - Jupyter (with scipy) funktioniert nicht?

Carnets - Jupyter (with scipy) funktioniert die meiste Zeit. Wenn es bei Ihnen nicht funktioniert, empfehlen wir Ihnen, etwas Geduld zu üben und es später erneut zu versuchen. Kontakt Kundenservice.

Wie war Ihre Erfahrung mit Carnets - Jupyter (with scipy)? Schreiben Sie eine Rezension

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