Recipes are sourced from favorites like: NYT Cooking, Half Baked Harvest, Epicurious, Smitten Kitchen, Skinny Taste, BBC food, Jamie Oliver and so many more great bloggers.
Half Lemons is a recipe app for everyday cooking that serves up recipes using the ingredients you have at home.
Get hundreds of creative recipes using the ingredients you have on hand.
See a recipe you want to make? Missing a few ingredients? Automatically add them to a grocery list.
No problem! Filter recipes using any ingredient in your kitchen.
Want to use up the last chicken thighs? Or maybe your fresh cilantro is starting to look tired.
Enter the ingredients you have at home with an easy tap interface.
Recipes you can actually make with the things you have on hand.
When you follow a recipe, your phone will never go dark.
No more chicken juice fingers trying to open your phone.
No missing ingredients.
If a recipe looks good save it for later.
Make deciding what’s for dinner a no brainer.
If you loved it and want to make it again save it.