Use this boxing app for your training and improve your skills from home or the gym, like a virtual boxing coach! Try existing training sessions or build your own workouts using the various exercises and settings.
You can also add additional calisthenics exercises like push-ups, burpees, mountain climbers, squats or sit-ups in between boxing rounds! This can get intense, but it's a great fitness exercise and will help with cardio and burning calories.
You can also create your custom shadow boxing training sessions and custom HIIT workouts.
This boxing app features multiple pre-made intense shadow boxing & punching bag workout sessions.
You can use our pre-made timer modes to quickly set the rules from boxing, MMA, muay thaï, kick boxing or amateur boxing.
Use the free timer for your sparring sessions, training or heavy bag workouts.
Boxing alone can get demotivating and this is a great way to stay motivated while working out.
This is the perfect way to match what kind of fitness regimen you want to follow at home, like a 7 minute workout or something closer to boxercise.
You don't need any equipment to complete the various trainings and various drills, but if you have a punching bag or a jump rope at home you'll be able to use them.
This will help you focus on your fitness target, weight loss or performance improvements.
The audio cues will not stop the music from your favorite app like Spotify or Apple Music.
It will alternate between workout and rest periods and will ring a bell at the end of the round as well as give you an indication of the round coming to an end.
Your workouts are automatically saved to iCloud so that you never lose track of your progress.
You can set up the audio mixing to lower the music or keep the volume all the way up.