Have you ever found yourself in the supermarket thinking 'WAAHHH! WHAT AM I DOING FOR DINNER?’ Then you need the '6-Ingredient Dinners' App! It’s the perfect little resource to have right on your phone for the inevitable times when you need to decide what to cook for dinner.
“This is a terrific little resource to have right in my iphone for the inevitable times in the supermarket, 25km from home, running around in tiny circles going WAAHHH! WHAT AM I DOING FOR DINNER? and trying to remember what is in the fridge.
The '6-Ingredient Dinners' app is designed for when you just want new ideas for something simple for the weeknights because you're really short on time during the week.
Or for when you don’t have a huge amount of time to surf the net looking for recipes.
Step-by-step instructions so it’s really clear what you’re looking for at each step.