Pulse - Breathing & Meditation

Pulse - Breathing & Meditation Software


Pulse Übersicht

With the help of guided relaxation and a calming breath visualisation, you can simply doze off into a warm and comfy sleep within sixty seconds.

Use the relaxation-program (used by military groups to reduce stress in battlefield situations) to release the natural sedatives of the body and become laser-focused again within a minute.

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Produkt einzelheiten und Beschreibung von

diese App is a breathing and meditation app that helps you to fall asleep faster and have a more relaxed sleep. With the help of guided relaxation and a calming breath visualisation, you can simply doze off into a warm and comfy sleep within sixty seconds. It can even help to prevent cardiovascular problems. Stress at work, school or uni? Stressed at home? Use the relaxation-program (used by military groups to reduce stress in battlefield situations) to release the natural sedatives of the body and become laser-focused again within a minute. diese App features... - Calming and satisfying breath visualisation - An eye-caring dark mode that enables itself in dark environments - Apple HealthKit-integration - Optional breathing reminders that help you build a habit out of relaxation What the media say... "Doze off into a warm and comfy sleep in only one minute. [...] "diese App is optically pleasing - no unnecessary or distracting elements. Even the minimalistic and nicely balanced design supports relaxation, stress release and falling asleep."

Oben Erfahrungen und Bewertung

durch Giblackbee


App Name diese App ten times better as cindy now. Old icon hundred times better as now. Don’t know what’s wrong with you guys.

durch JaseMcA

No Sound!

Looks like a great app to fall asleep to relaxing sounds apes but unfortunately I can't get the app to play sound. I'm not connected to BT headphones, volume is up. Confused! An update or advice would be nice. Thanks

durch MixedCorn

Gute Idee, ausbaufähig

Sehr ansprechendes Design. Allerdings wird das Ein- und Ausatmen immer nur 1x ausgeführt, egal welche Atemübung man wählt. Start-Button verschwindet auch gelegentlich, wenn man die Einstellungen aufruft.

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