NB passport

NB passport Logiciel

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NB passport Présentation

This APP is to support the information exchange between brand and new balance china retail store , it will communicate the market and product information to all retail stores , also manage the store picture and product display quality , it will also facilitate every store to send daily and monthly data( sales and inventory ) to back office for reporting purpose .

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Détails du produit et description de

该APP工具适用于New Balance中国与其零售店铺的信息沟通,其将品牌的市场和产品信息通过该工具发布给每家店铺,同时也通过该工具手机店铺的图片和陈列,以及每天和每月的必要销售及库存数据,帮助品牌进行报表分析。 This APP is to support the information exchange between brand and new balance china retail store , it will communicate the market and product information to all retail stores , also manage the store picture and product display quality , it will also facilitate every store to send daily and monthly data( sales and inventory ) to back office for reporting purpose . 这款App帮助你全面地管理掌握销售数字,揣在兜里的“销售日报“! 主要功能: 1. 了解最新门店销售记录 2. 了解当月库存情况 3. 了解当前活动情况

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