PhonoPaper ne fonctionne pas? problème ou bug?

PhonoPaper ne fonctionne plus

Publié par on 2023-10-23

PhonoPaper is a camera app for playing pictures with encoded sound
(PhonoPaper-codes). With this app, you can also create your own codes: 10
seconds of sound can be recorded from a microphone and converted into an image.

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  Contacter directement pour l'assistance

Nous comprenons que certains problèmes sont tout simplement trop difficiles à résoudre grâce à des didacticiels en ligne et à l'auto-assistance. C'est pourquoi nous avons facilité la prise de contact avec l'équipe d'assistance de Alexander Zolotov, les développeurs de PhonoPaper.

100% Correspondance des contacts

Developer: Alexander Zolotov

Courriel: [email protected]

WebSite: Visiter le site Web de PhonoPaper

About this app

With this app, you can also create your own codes: 10 seconds of sound can be recorded from a microphone and converted into an image. * cette application code is analogue, so it is not so sensitive to different types of the image distortion (bad camera, dark picture, wrinkled paper, etc. * code can be drawn by hand to get some unusual sounds.  Launch the app, point the camera at the code (tap on the screen to focus if necessary) and smoothly scan the picture from left to right.  If you are unable to play the code smoothly, press the record button on the right side of the screen, this will enable automatic scanning.  cette application is a camera app for playing pictures with encoded sound (cette application-codes).  If the application recognizes code markers, you will hear a sound.  The code should be parallel to the frame - try to keep the camera level.  The black code markers (top and bottom) should fall entirely into the frame. 

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