myNoise | Relax, Sleep, Work

myNoise | Relax, Sleep, Work Logiciel

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myNoise Relax Sleep Work Présentation

Compared to conventional noise blocking machines, myNoise® generators can be shaped to the frequency characteristics of the audible nuisance that disturbs you, and therefore achieve a better camouflage, or - in other words - a greater masking efficiency at quieter levels.

Calibrated noise generators also compensate for your audio equipment and listening environment deficiencies, including the presence of background noise and its nature.

‣ "We've covered many online noise generators in the past, but myNoise® is different: it calibrates background noise based on your hearing range and listening devices." - Lifehacker.

Some of our noises are truly special: our so-called calibrated noise generators cover the entire audible frequency range, from 20 Hz to 20 kHz, over 10 color-coded octaves.

myNoise® is free, with White Noise, Rain Noise, Ocean Noise, Binaural Beats, Spring Walk, Temple Bells, Tibetan Choir and Warp Speed, the ultimate white noise machine for Sci-Fi fans.

During the calibration procedure, we are able to measure your personal hearing levels, and adapt our calibrated noises - such as the rain noise - accordingly.

Captures d'écran officielles


Détails du produit et description de

‣ "Turns the creation of ambient noise into an art form." - Apple, App of the Day ‣ "A better way to block distracting conversations when you work in an open-plan office or cubicle." - Wall Street Journal ‣ "Of all the ambient noise apps I’ve tried, myNoise® is the best. It never repeats, it has top-notch sounds, and it is just plain fun to use." - Cult Of Mac. ‣ "Not everyone likes a quiet workspace. Some of us prefer to have a little background noise. We've covered many online noise generators in the past, but MyNoise is different..." - Lifehacker. myNoise® is free, and comes with 20 FREE SOUNDS, amongst which: White Noise, Rain Noise, Ocean Noise, Binaural Beats, Spring Walk, Temple Bells, Distant Thunder, Irish Coast, Gregorian Voices, Tibetan Choir, Japanese Garden, Duduk Song, 88 keys, The Pilgrim, Unreal Ocean, Flying Fortress, Cafe Restaurant, Calm Office, Old Mansion, Take It Easy, and Warp Speed, the ultimate white noise for Sci-Fi fans… The idea behind a noise machine, is to make use of the noises you like to mask the noises you dislike. The concept is simple, works extremely well, and does not require expensive equipment, such as active noise cancelling headphones. Noise machines can be used by all audiences in a variety of ways throughout our daily lives; whether you're trying to work, study, relax, or even sleep. With its 10 color-coded sliders, myNoise introduces the concept of frequency-shaped noises, focusing on the frequencies one wants to effectively block. This ensures a higher efficiency, and quieter masking levels than any other noise machine available on the market and online. Listening to myNoise noise generators in a quiet environment makes sense too, and is even recommended to enjoy their optimal sound quality! Our noise machines are extraordinary to experience, especially with your favorite set of headphones. Some of our noises are truly special: our so-called calibrated noise generators cover the entire audible frequency range, from 20 Hz to 20 kHz, over 10 color-coded octaves. Thanks to our unique calibration procedure, each calibrated generator can be made spectrally flat to your ears. As we get older, we all suffer from age-related hearing loss involving the higher tones. During the calibration procedure, we are able to measure your personal hearing levels, and adapt our calibrated noises - such as the rain noise - accordingly. You'll be surprised to hear frequencies you thought were lost forever! Calibrated noise generators also compensate for your audio equipment and listening environment deficiencies, including the presence of background noise and its nature. We regularly add new generators that you can find in the Download tab. Check them out, some of them are free to download. If you are a noise enthusiast, purchasing the "All You Can Hear" package guarantees that you will get unlimited access to all generators, including future ones. There are more than 250 generators available for download today, including 40+ calibrated ones. Enjoy! Terms of use: these sound generators are provided for personal/private use only. myNoise® audio stems are subject to copyright and shall not be used in any other context without permission.

Haut Avis

Par CarôDoll

Une applications surprenante

Je connaissais déjà le site et, dès que j’ai eu suffisamment d’espace sur mon téléphone, j’ai téléchargé l’application. C’est formidable, je découvre de nouvelles perles tous les jours ! Le pack complet en vaut largement la peine. Si je peux me permettre une remarque : je découvre en ce moment les binaurals beats et, bien que l’application donne une rapide description et des fréquences pertinentes, je pense qu’il serait utile d’inclure, éventuellement, les commentaires des autres utilisateurs. Ils m’ont souvent aidé sur le site pour d’autres sons. Merci pour votre travail !

Par PinkUsamimi

Le must

Pour 10€, vous avez accès à tout le catalogue de myNoise, disponible sans connexion. La seule chose qui manque sera un mode de sélection aléatoire.

Par FatMat974


J’utilise MyNoise depuis pres d’un an autant pour réviser, que pour une rapide sieste ou bien meme pour me créer une ambiance mystique pour la lecture de mes polars préférés. Le tout grace au luxe de pouvoir mixer les sons, les moduler et surtout sauvegarder nos assemblages!! Le site Web est encore plus dingue (je l’utilise surtout sur mon PC) mais en voyage ou en transport en commun, l’appli est clairement un Must Have indispensable pour s’isoler sereinement. Encore merci pour cette création

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