Royal Road - Read Stories

Royal Road - Read Stories Logiciel

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Your main source for Action, Adventure, Fantasy, and Science Fiction. Find many stories within your new favorite genres such as Progression Fantasy, Litrpg, Portal Fantasy and Isekai stories, among many others. Explore over 50,000 novels and be the first to discover captivating stories. Royal Road Premium - Subscribe to our Premium service to receive the following features: - Ad-free reading experience - Downloading chapters for offline reading - Premium badge on your comments - Itemized reading history of individual chapters read - Replace your standard avatar border with a premium one and unlock a new one for each month of your subscription - Customize your profile page with a banner For our terms of service, visit https://www.l’ For our privacy policy, visit https://www.l’ Royal Road Author Premium - We offer a subscription service for authors as well; this gives you all of the benefits above, plus extra benefits available on our author dashboard online. Please note that our app does not have features for authors, this subscription tier is present for convenience.

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