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Problèmes courants de l'application alQibla et comment les résoudre. Guide de dépannage

Guide complet pour dépanner l'application alQibla sur les appareils iOS et Android. Résolvez tous les problèmes, erreurs, problèmes de connexion, problèmes d'installation et plantages de l'application alQibla.

Table des Contenu:

  1. Problèmes et solutions alQibla iPhone

  2. Problèmes et solutions de l'application alQibla Android

  Contacter directement pour l'assistance

Nous comprenons que certains problèmes sont tout simplement trop difficiles à résoudre grâce à des didacticiels en ligne et à l'auto-assistance. C'est pourquoi nous avons facilité la prise de contact avec l'équipe d'assistance de, les développeurs de alQibla.

About this app

cette application provides you with an easy tool to precisely determine the direction of qibla from any location around the world and calculate the prayer times for your city. 1.  Listen to Adhan using the Adhan play button on Modern theme screen. 2. 4. 1. iOS 7. 1+ installed with Location Services (Settings > General > Location Services) turned ON. 2.  Prayer Times based on your calculation method & location (detects automatically and allows searching and saving locations too). 2.  It uses iPhone's/iPod's built in location services to determine your location and gives you the direction to Qibla on a Map. 5.  For prayer time adhan notifications iOS7. 1+ is required.  Prayer Times Notifications based for all prayers including one for before Fajr. 3.  Notifications can have different Adhan for each prayer. 4.  Prayer times tuner to make adjustments and share monthly or yearly prayer timetable with your friends/family/relatives. 8.  View Prayer Times in Arabic, French, Turkish and English. 9.  Find the Qibla direction from any address using the search feature. 6. 7.  Includes a graphical compass for iPhone 3Gs + devices with the compass hardware. 11.  Hijri Calendar with important events and the ability to add reminders for those events. 12.  Also requires either a WiFi or a 3G network to load the map tiles. 3.  Please write reviews for the app as it would help us improve and add more features.