Prompt 3 ne fonctionne pas? problème ou bug?

Prompt 3 ne fonctionne plus

Publié par on 2024-01-22

Prompt is the terminal that goes where you do, whether you're on the road or at
your desk. With Panic Sync, your servers are available on your iPhone, iPad, and

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Problèmes courants de l'application Prompt 3 et comment les résoudre. Guide de dépannage

Guide complet pour dépanner l'application Prompt 3 sur les appareils iOS et Android. Résolvez tous les problèmes, erreurs, problèmes de connexion, problèmes d'installation et plantages de l'application Prompt 3.

Table des Contenu:

  1. Problèmes et solutions Prompt 3 iPhone

  2. Problèmes et solutions de l'application Prompt 3 Android


  Contacter directement pour l'assistance

Nous comprenons que certains problèmes sont tout simplement trop difficiles à résoudre grâce à des didacticiels en ligne et à l'auto-assistance. C'est pourquoi nous avons facilité la prise de contact avec l'équipe d'assistance de Panic, Inc., les développeurs de Prompt 3.

70% Correspondance des contacts

Developer: XAI

Courriel: [email protected]

WebSite: Visiter le site Web de Prompt 3

52.17% Correspondance des contacts

Developer: Bew Technologies

Courriel: [email protected]

WebSite: Visiter le site Web de Bew Technologies

About this app

And with Mosh and Eternal Terminal support, you can stay connected even on the most unstable networks. Welcome to Prompt 3.  We retooled the text engine in Prompt 3 to be up to 10x faster, and with improved terminal emulation, you can run nvim inside tmux without breaking a sweat.  For over a decade, Prompt has been the best SSH terminal on iOS and iPadOS, and we're excited to finally release a much-requested Mac version. But that's not all.  With two new connection types, port forwarding, and a faster terminal, Prompt is better than ever.  Sync your favorite servers, passwords, private keys, and clips, between Prompt on all of your iOS devices.  Eternal Terminal is great for when you need to keep your full terminal history on a flaky connection.  Prompt is the terminal that goes where you do, whether you're on the road or at your desk.  Use your mouse to interact with TUI-based apps that run through the terminal.  Put your most-used commands and text bits into clips and access them with a single tap via Prompt’s keyboard bar.  Make Prompt perfect with new themes, fonts, and a very configurable iOS keyboard.  Keep your terminal open, even when you get disconnected.  With Panic Sync, your servers are available on your iPhone, iPad, and Mac.  Mosh is optimized for high-latency, low-throughput networks.  Clips can be stored globally or per-server.  The keys will stay secure on your device.  Authenticate with FaceID and TouchID. 

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