So you might be wondering, “this sounds too good to be true; what’s the catch?” Well, there isn’t one! Spark is here to revolutionize the dating space for good.
Plus, no more accidentally swiping left on someone you actually like and wondering if they’ll ever pop up again! With Spark, everyone nearby is laid out in front of you so you can see who catches your eye, learn more about them, and spark up a conversation.
Meet Spark! Spark is the fastest-growing new dating app that allows you to spend less time swiping and more time dating.
It’s like being at the bar and scanning the room, except on Spark, you know who’s single, and you don’t have to leave the house.
Once you send a Spark, that person has 24 hours to spark you back or send you a message.
On Spark, we show you users who are closest to you.
We’re all busy- we don’t have time to wait days or even months for a match.
Swiping can make us overanalyze our choices and second-guess ourselves.
Swiping fatigue is real- and we are here to put an end to it once and for all.
No one wants to be reduced to a right or left swipe.
Connecting with new people in your area has never been easier.