With a variety of helpful functions, it helps to bring light into your vaccination history, to structure your data and to never miss future vaccinations again.
The developer is a medical student which is an ideal background to offer researched and relevant data to enhance the app.
By adding your doctors, you always have important data like phone number, opening hours etc.
iCloud syncs your data between your Apple devices and always stores a backup in the cloud.
Simply export your data as a PDF Document and bring it with you to your next doctor's visit.
Create several Profiles for the entire family and always have your and the children's Vaccinations with you.
I think this app has great potential to maintain family vaccinations.
Set up reminders to remind you of upcoming vaccinations and never forget anything again.
Vaccy is your companion when it comes to vaccinations.
Your sensitive data is always safe.
Thanks to the structured overview, you can find all important information quickly and easily at a glance.
Whether at the family doctor or on your next trip around the world.
Add your vaccinations directly into the app.
I contacted him asking for an enhancement and got a rapid and detailed response.