WWF Nautical Chart ne fonctionne pas? problème ou bug?

WWF Nautical Chart ne fonctionne plus

Publié par on 2023-06-27

The app can be used to locate one's own position on the Greifswald Bodden and
Strelasund. At the same time, the protected zones within the Natura 2000 area
are displayed.

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  Contacter directement pour l'assistance

Nous comprenons que certains problèmes sont tout simplement trop difficiles à résoudre grâce à des didacticiels en ligne et à l'auto-assistance. C'est pourquoi nous avons facilité la prise de contact avec l'équipe d'assistance de WWF Deutschland, les développeurs de WWF Nautical Chart.

46.67% Correspondance des contacts

Developer: WWF Deutschland

Courriel: [email protected]

WebSite: Visiter le site Web de WWF Nautical Chart

About this app

Distance and course of the selected route are automatically displayed. - Orange and red areas à a short text and a crossed-out boat explain when you are allowed to navigate the area or not. - If the boat passes a border of a restricted protected area, a note automatically appears on the map. - Coloured areas à information about the protected areas (including nature conservation areas and fish sanctuaries) appear. - Minimum sizes and closed seasons of the fish species: During the closed season, a crossed-out fishhook appears next to the fish. - Winter camps, fish and spawning sanctuaries are only displayed on the map during the fishing ban period.  At the same time, the protected zones within the Natura 2000 area are displayed. Thus, Bodden users, e. g. anglers, sailors, kiters, rowers, paddlers or canoeists, can check on their smartphone or tablet at any time where they are currently located and whether they are inside or outside protected areas.  The improved orientation on the water is intended to reduce DISTURBANCES in the protected bays, the Natura 2000 core zones, so that people and nature can use the species-rich Bodden waters in harmony.  In the "Fish" section you will find useful information on angling, including the way of life, fishing times, minimum sizes and closed seasons of the individual species. - Waypoints can be set with the routing function.  Click on the red and orange zoning or colour-coded protected areas to learn more about nature and special regulations.  In the "Nature" section you will find a glossary with explanations of the protected areas, regulations and institutions.  This makes it possible for everyone to easily comply with the "Voluntary Agreement on Nature Conservation, Water Sports and Fishing in the Greifswald Bodden and Strelasund" on the water.  In addition, all FISHING and LAKES PROTECTION AREAS as well as WINTER STORAGE are shown on the map for anglers.  With the help of waypoints, you can easily navigate around the protected areas.  If fewer watercraft enter the core zones, the disturbance in the breeding and resting areas of waterbirds will be reduced.  Interesting information on NATURE is provided for individual sub-areas and legal bases are deposited for those who want to know more.  The SHIELDING TIMES and MINIMUM MEASURES of the most important fish species are shown at a glance.  Navigate your way through the Greifswald Bodden with the help of the "routing function".  NOTE: These areas are only shown on the map when they are active.  The app can be used to locate one's own position on the Greifswald Bodden and Strelasund.  Enjoy and please respect nature! 

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