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Courriel: mel@goss.media
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Politique de confidentialité: https://www.goss.media/privacy
Developer: Goss Inc
Who doesn't love figuring out which reality TV villain they are or how many people think that Pilot Pete's mom is just a little crazy? • Notifications are worth keepin' on. Or what designer Gigi will wear to the Met Gala (whenever it happens)? • Redeem your earned stars and for real prizes in our loyalty store (prizes range from Glossier all the way to Gucci). We have tons of new features soon to be released including friend-to-friend challenges, new categorization, and virtual rewards. Past plays - So we've noticed people love stats. We've created a whole feed dedicated to past posts so now you can scroll away and be hit with all the results of previous plays. Answer questions about reality TV, celebs, trending events, and more. Why? What if you could guess who will get voted off Love Island? With that being said we would love to hear from you. You will have no idea if you've won prizes otherwise! • Drop a profile photo in, would yah? So after each post is played you get to see how the majority before you has voted. Stay at the top and you may start to earn secret rewards. Or how many likes Kendall Jenner will get on her next Insta post? And it doesn't stop there my friend. Personality questions and Polls - Because they're fun okay. Leaderboards - Yeah we keep track. We categorized it and stuff too.