Using our laser bullet, target and smart phone mount, the app records the target and records the users shot scores based on where the laser hit the target.
Each shot from the firearm triggers a laser, which emits a laser strike on the target, and the app records the score.
The user calibrates the screen to the target by using two fingers to cover the circumference of the target.
Shooting metrics appear on the screen to show the user how they are doing during the session.
The history section provides screenshots, shooting metrics, and graphs for the user to track their progress.
The training section is the initial area of the app where the user can practice their shooting skills.
Upon beginning a session, a warning screen is shown to ensure that proper firearm safety is taking place before beginning a session.
Once the session is complete, all shots will be shown on the target and saved into an archive.
The settings section allows the user to turn on/off gun shot audio and voice feedback.
Once the user agrees, the target appears on the screen.
The Strikeman app allows users to practice their shooting skills without the need for real ammunition.
Then, the distance from the target is selected and they can begin shooting.
The App provides access to the initial tutorial to ensure that all safety precautions are being taken.
This includes average score, average range, total shots and total sessions.