You will be able to work on your game like never before with professional accuracy for shot distance, ball speed, club speed, launch angle, launch direction and shot shape.
With groundbreaking features like GPS maps, to show your shot scatter on the range, and interactive games, the Mobile Launch Monitor (MLM) will transform how you play golf.
- Shot Library: All your shots are collected to review stats over your lifetime using the Mobile Launch Monitor (MLM).
- Shot Tracer: See your game like the pros with an active tracer on your video replays, allowing you to analyze your ball flight like never before.
Combined with ball speed, this will be a main component to determine shot distance.
Rapsodo has harnessed the power of your mobile device and combined it with our professional grade machine learning to create the Mobile Launch Monitor (MLM).
- Smash Factor: Ball speed divided by club head speed.
- Bag Mapping: Visualize your ball flight for each club on a distance map to know what club to hit on the course.
Review your shots and improve your game with video on each shot you take and an active tracer to track your shot shape.
The higher your smash factor, the more efficiently you transfer energy from the club to the ball.
- Launch Direction: Angle of your ball relative to the target line.
- Video Playback: Choose video option during a session to get instant video replays of your shot delivered with your stats.
- Launch Angle: Angle of your ball relative to the ground.
- Club Head Speed: Speed of your club right before impact.